Makoto x Reader: Study buddy

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You have been going to Makoto's house for the past month helping him study. His grades have been improving, but he still wants to get them better. There is a big test coming up on Friday and you want him to be ready for it. Today is Monday, so you should be able to get Makoto to memorize everything by Firday.Right now you are heading to his house. He just got back from swimming practice. You knock on his door.

The door opens. "Hello (f/n)!" Makoto says.

"Hello Makoto," you say walking in.

"Do you have your (favorite subject) books?" you ask setting your bag on the table.

"I knew I forgot something!" Makoto says.

"That's okay I brought mine," you say reaching into your bag to get your book. You both go into the living room to study.

"What chapter are we studying today?" Makoto says.

"Chapter ten, we have a test on it Friday," you say flipping the pages to chapter ten.

"I hope it is not hard," Makoto says.

"Me too," you say flipping the last page.

"How are we going to study today?" Makoto asks.

"I am going to quiz you," you say adjusting yourself, so that Makoto could not see the answers.

"Okay. What is the first question?" Makoto says. You give him ten questions and Makoto only gets six of them right. You wrote down the one he got wrong.

"You got six of them right and four of them wrong," you say. You give him ten more and he gets six right again.

"You got six of them right again," you say.

"Is that good?" Makoto says.

"If that was the test you would of got twelve out of twenty," you say.

"I guess not," Makoto says. He watches you write down the rest of the questions that he got wrong. "(f/n), if I get all of the questions right on the test. Can we celebrate?" Makoto asks you.

"What kind of celebration?" you ask.

"If I get all of them right then I will have an A in the class and I thought we could have cake." Makoto says.

"CAKE!" Ren and Ran say as they run in the room. They jump onto Makoto.

"If I get all the questions right on my test Friday then maybe we can have cake," Makoto says.

"(F/n) make sure that Makoto gets all of the answers right so that we can have cake!" Ren says.

"Okay, but right now you are disrupting our studying," you say. Ren and Ran look at each other and leave.

"Okay back to studying!" Makoto says. The both of you study for the rest of the afternoon. You head home after six'o clock.

"Bye!" you say leaving Makoto's house.

"Bye (f/n)!" his family says as you leave. You go home and get ready to go to bed. During the rest of the school week you studied with Makoto. On Thursday he seemed ready for the teat.

Friday morning...

Your family went away for the day to visit your grandparents. You choose to stay, so that you would be able to take the test and not miss any notes. You woke up to your door bell ringing. You look at your clock to see that it is four o' clock. You get up and look threw your bedroom window. You see that Makoto is ringing your doorbell. You go to the door and open it.

"Good morning (f/n)!" Makoto says. He is wearing his school uniform already and he has his books.

"Good morning," you say yawning.

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