Nagisa x Reader: New Student

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You wake up and get ready to go to your school. You have been going to Iwatobi high school for two days now and haven't made any friends. At your old school you had plenty of friends, but you moved far away and stop talking to them or they stopped talking to you.

"(F/n) are you awake?!" your dad yells.

"Yeah I am awake!" you yell fixing your hair. You tried to look your best, so that people would maybe talk to you, but that didn't work. You grabbed your bag and left your room.

"Do you want breakfast today?" your mom asks.

"Um... I think I will pass on breakfast today," you say sitting on your couch and pulling out a book.

"You know breakfast is the most important meal," your mom says handing you a donut.

"Thanks mom," you say taking a bit out of it. You read five chapters of your book before you have to leave for school.

"Ready to go (f/n)?" your dad says getting the car keys.

"I guess," you say getting up and grabbing your bag. The two of you head out to the car. Your dad starts the car and starts to take you to school.

"So (f/n) have you made any friends yet?" your dad says.

"No not yet, but I am talking to some people," you say somewhat lying.

"I thought you would have a whole bunch of friends already since you had so many at your old school," your dad says.

"People are shy at this school," you say somewhat lying again. When ever you talked to someone they would give you a weird look and walk away.

"Really? Everyone?" your dad says.

"Yep," you say annoyed. Your dad doesn't talk until he drops you off.

"Bye (f/n) love you!" your dad says.

"Bye dad," you say closeting the door. You take a deep breath before stepping inside the school. You walk the halls until you get to your home room. You take a seat and start to read.

"Hello!" a blonde boy says holding a weird bird with a swim suit. "Will you join the swim team?!" he says with puppy dog eyes.

"He is doing that again?" a girl says to her friend.

"The swim team?" you say confused.

"Yeah the swim team! You get to swim and get to make great friends," the blonde boy says. It did not seem that bad and you needed to make some friends before you became a complete loner.

"Um... I guess," you say. He jumps up in the air and hands you the bird.

"My name is Nagisa. What is your's?" Nagisa says leaning on your desk.

"I am (f/n)," you say with a smile.

The next day...

You pack your bag and get a separate one for your swim suit, towel, etc. You say goodbye and leave your house. You get to school a little early today. You put your swim club bag in the back of the class room. You go to your desk and start to read.

"Hi (f/n)-chan!" Nagisa says sitting in the seat in front of you while facing you.

"Hello Nagisa!" you say with a smile. You close your book.

"So are you joining the swim club?" Nagisa asks.

"Yep, my parents said that I could join as long as it doesn't affect my grades," you say. Nagisa face lights up.

"That is great! We have been looking for new members for a while."

"Really? I thought a lot of people would want to join the swim club," you say confused.

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