Chapter 6

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 All of the chat rooms (Mine, Stacy's and The Death Chatroom) then all moved into 'End Game' chatroom which was specifically created for UHC and everyone started asking who won as it had apparently crashed when everyone was dying at the same time.

I cleared my throat and they all stopped talking about who could have possivbly won. "Everyone turn off their webcams" I spoke, turning mine off and watching the small squares disappear. "The winner will turn her's on." I spoke as they all knew it was either me or Stacy who won.

 No webcams were turned on for a little bit which created suspension. Stacy's face then appeared on the screen and we all started cheering for her. "Yay Stacy!" I cheered loudly, clapping for her as everyone in her team started to turn their webcams on too.

 Well except Jon as he convinced us he was sick and he didn't want us to have to look at him sneezing and coughing all over the place... Which I believed was total BS he just didn't want his webcam on. In my opinion anyways

Everyone started chatting about how their games were until Zach stopped them all. "Guys, shouldn't we be talking about this in the aftercall?" He asked, laughing and we all agreed, pressing record again. "Hey guys and welcome to the aftercall for UHC Season Ten if you don't know who the winner was stop watching now.." 

 We all went silent and awkward. I felt as if it was my job to break the silence "WOO HOOOO I TOLD YOU THAT STACY SLAYS!" I yelled, making a few people flinch as our characters were teleported into the world as invisble people.

 I went into creative and started to fly around the place where the huge battles went on. Mitchell was sat behind me and Bee had brought her laptop into my room as she decided she would just use my mic to speak and stay in my room with Mitchell and I. "GG Stace."

 "Thanks Lia." Stacy spoke and I could tell she was extremely excited to have won UHC. Yep, time to prove all the haters wrong - Stacy was actually good at PVP. "You got me down to half a heart." Geesh, that close to winning, eh I don't really care.

"Holy Rusher that was a close fight." I joked as I flew into the air and swung my character's arm towards Joe's character. He laughed a little and swung back at me as people started to laugh at my idiotic joke about Rusher being a cow and stuff.. meh.

 There was an awkward silence for a second before Zach spoke "Tomahawk what happened buddy?" He asked and I pursed my lips as I flew over one of the cobble walls which had a head behind it. I flew down to it and picked up the head.

 I checked to see who's head it was and seen that it was Jordan's. "Well, as you all know I absolutely love the nether." Julio spoke and I flew around with Jordan's head on. I went visible again so you could see me properly as I went into F5 mode.

I swung towards the crosshair as Julio continued with his story. "So Grape was our iron man and we were all like protecting him.." He explained and I flew infront of Jordan, punching at him and quickly flew away.

 He coughed a little before continuing "So Lia actually got withered and went down to like a heart and a half because we listened to Stacy and got some milk." Stacy whooped and we all laughed. "So we were all like thinking about what to do as we had like two golden apples and we had ate then already 'cause Will took fall damage and Lia healed up to like three or four hearts."

 "And then a blaze was firing at us so we were all running. I decided to be a hero and take it on. I was left with like a heart and then another one appeared and killed me." He spoke sadly and I pouted at my webcam, remembering my reaction as the chat informed me that Julio had been taken out by the blaze I basically yelled 'No' and swung towards the top of the cave an yelling 'CURSE YOU, BLAZE!'

"Lia's reaction to that was hilarious." Will spoke, making fun of me as I blushed and flew across the battlefields which was a roofed forest and a swamp as 'The Bae' team and 'NASA' had met in a swamp but had traveled into the roofed forest to meet everyone else.

"Yeah, I know! I was specing her and she was like hitting the roof and going all crazy!" Ryan laughed at me and I rolled my eyes with a pout on my face as they all started to laugh at me. "It was funny though" He laughed.

Then I realised a serious fact that could break the balance of the world. "Where the heck is Poke?!" I exclaimed loudly. Poke, Joe and I had been recording a few episodes of SG lately and those two together are hilarious to record with.

There was silence for a few seconds as if people were just suddenly realising that Poke wasn't in this season of UHC. "He's at some family dinner. Sucks." Joe spoke and you could tell he was unhappy with the tone of his voice.

Or maybe that's just me that noticed that? Not positive, I mean I am the most fantabulous person in the Minecraft community. Nah, just Nah. Nah - They are all fabulouser than you, Lia. Why am I having a conversation with myself?

"Well I have to go and get myself some hot chocoalte." I spoke and took my earphones out, standing up from my spinny chair and walking out of my room. I walked past Bee's room to see her and Mitchell now in there.

How in the world did they get in there without me even noticing? I shrugged it off and made my way to the kitchen, swaying along and dowing some sort of jig as I grabbed the cocoa mix from the cupboard. 

I started to make the cocoa mix and boiled the kettle. I put my mix into a random cup and waited for my water to boil. I hummed a random tune as I looked at the bubbles splashing up the side of the kettle. I got bored so I took out my phone to tweet Poke.


@Pokediger1 i miss you, record with me :(

I leaned against the kitchen counter as I waited for him to respond. He was at a family dinner or something like that. I picked up the kettle and poured the water in, and put the kettle on the kettle stand thingy again.

I picked up my cup and walked back down the hallway, seeing Bee laughing and covering her face. I raised my eyebrow and went into my room which was two doors down from her, the bathroom inbetween our rooms.

"Queen is back." I spoke and sat back down on my chair, setting my hot chocolate on my desk and pulling the chair closer to my computer..I moved my mouse around a little, moving mini Lia's head and seen everyone circling around me.

Once seeing I had moved my head they all started to move in circles around me. I stared at my screen, extremely confused as they all circled me, chanting random words under their breath, making me giggle.




Theme song Biznatches.

Guys - Look how cool that thingy of all the cube members faces on it looks! ( On side > or above ^ idek)


Umm, Lia is beside me IRL rn and she is singing that whisper song and keeps leaning over to me and whispering Yo lil mama lemme whisper in yo ear.

Its creeping me out tbh :(

xD she's reading this over my shoulder and she is like pouting rn.

I think shes mad at me :3 oh well :D


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