Chapter 13

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"Next Question!" I called out and looked at my news feed, clicking on a random tweet. "Blueburry Pheonix says- Marry, Bang, Kill - Parker Liam and Straub." I looked up at the camera "God. Ummm, So if you guys dont know, Liam is Hbomb94.. so yeah lets think about this."

"Oh no, I literally have no idea who i'm going to choose." I leaned back in Brayden's spinny chair and covered my eyes with my hands. "Okay.. I umm, I think i've chosen. Before I say this I just wanna say, guys I love you all." I blew a kiss at the camera.

"So i'm straight up gonna marry Hberm94 because those eyes tho." I spoke and laughed. "But seriously, H is my hubby because he's helped me through some stuff in the past and he just seems like the husband material." I smiled.

"Umm, Mitchell and Parker, these two are some funny guys..." I pursed my lips as I tapped my chin. "...I've lived with Mitchell for a while now and I don't think I could..." I paused, thinking about my answer.

"You know what? Parker, you can come be my bae" I winked unattractively at the camera as I realised what I had left to do. "I've lived with Mitchell for a while and it'd just be awkward if we... you know what, let's move on!"

"What do you do in the shower..." I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering if I read that correctly. After reading over it a couple of times I realised I did read it right. "Hmm." I tapped my chin and decided to add in the clip of my singing them falling again.

"Yep, that seems about right." I spoke, hoping that I would remember to add in the clip or I would look like a complete idiot. "Next thingy!" I cheered, raising my arms in the air. "I dare you torun down the street yelling about how ugly Graser is" I read on.

"Just to clarify, this is a joke about the Graser's ugly thing... I'm not that mean." I winked unattractively at the camera again. "Okay, i've got to stop doing that it's probably creeping you guys out." I laughed to myself.

"BRAYDEN! ARE YOU GUYS BACK YET?!!?!?!" I yelled loudly through the house, hoping they would be home so they could film it. "RUSHER THE COWWWW. DOLPHIN THE.... CHILDDDDD. MITCH THE MOOKIE!" I yelled.

"WHAT!" A voice yelled back and I smiled brightly, taking my camera off of Brayden's desk and running down the stairs. I walked through the house, looking for the boys untill I found them 'Chillaxing' in the kitchen.

"I need you to film me running down the street." I smiled brightly at them and Brayden's creepy smile creeped up onto his face like that creeper creeped up on Bee in the creepy UHC (Ultra Hardcore Creepy) Seven and creepily killed her with a creepy bang...

*Le Shivers* Creepy...

"Alrighty then." Brayden smiled without even questioning what I was doing. See, this is why i'm friends with these people! I headed to the front door and I heard Brayden laugh. "Other way, Li." He laughed a little and I spun on my heel.

"I meant that." I spoke confidently as I strode away from them towards the front foor... I think. Eventually I found the front door and cheered loudly, whooping. "You recording?" I asked Brayden as he walked out, camera in hand.

"Yep." He replied with a cute smile on his face. "Why am i recording this anyways?" He asked and Ryan exited the house, looking at me with a smirk on his face. My eyes followed him as he sat down on the bench thingy at Brayden's door.

I sat on the step and tied up my laces securely with the two boys watching my every move. Mitch them emerged from the house, standing beside Brayden as I stood up and started to do fake exercises, facing the camera so the viewers wouldn't see my butt.

"Let's get ready to Rumble!" I yelled loudly, hitting my hands on my chest as I ran away from the three boys, leaving all of them confused. I stood at the end of the street and puffed out an air of breath, readying up.

"HEY EVERYBODY!" I yelled loudly, hoping some people would come out to see what all the commotion was about. Slowly, people starting peering out windows and opening front doors. I smiled at them and jumped in the spot a couple of times before running.

"GRASER! TEN! CP! MC! YT! IS UGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I yelled as I ran, my feet leaving soft thumps against the ground, a few people watching me with curious, confused of amused eyes. "I SAY UGLY YOU SAY GRASER!" I yelled.

"UGLY!" I yelled loudly and I pouted as no one responded to my cry. "TRY AGAIN! I SAY UGLY YOU SAY GRASER!" I called out, looking around as some people were holding up phones, recording me. "UGLY!"

I sighed loudly, knowing no one would answer "GRASER!" Brayden's voice rang through the air clearly, making people look in his direction and multiple people laugh and look like they were going to join in.





A smile escaped my lips as i started to get puffed out after yelling and running up and down the same street like seven times already "THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING OUT WITH MY POINT!" I called and jogged back to Brayden's house, hearing a few people clap.

My head went down as my heart rose in my throat after finally realising that so many people had been watching me for around five minutes. I raised my hand to my forehead and breathed heavily, stoping the laughs of Brayden as he noticed what i was doing.

Soon his arms were on my shoulders and he was holding me up straight. I gripped onto my left arm with my right hand as I felt my teeth biting into my lower lip. "Are you okay, Lia?" Brayden asked rather loudly and people started to whisper, wondering if I was okay.

"No.." I whispered lowly as I put my hand on my chest as my heartbeat was rather fast. "Get Joe, Liam or Bee on skype, please." I whispered, knowing that they would be able to help. Mitch obviously heard me because he raced into the house and I could see him running up the stairs.

"Come on, let's get you in the house." Brayden spoke and put his arm over my shoulder. I leaned my head on his chest as he looked back at the people, giving them dirty looks. I gripped his T shirt as my hands tried to grip something to keep me stable.

"Joe's on!" Mitch's voice called from upstairs and Brayden picked me up and ran quickly up the stairs, towards his computer where I could already hear Joe asking Mitch what had happened to me. 




anyways, I is back.

Your comments on my last update were so amazing and they cheered me up almost instantly, love you guys <3

Anyways, I better go now - Enjoy H's eyes on the side > or above ^


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