Chapter 34

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"It was me." I spoke quickly.

"What?" Lia asked, clearly confused.

"It was me, I was the one in the chatroom, and the one that messaged you that stupid question. It was all me."


I stared at my screen, my breathing picking up. "W-Why?" I asked, almost in tears already. I thought we were friends and he just stabs me in the back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far! I didn't want any of this to happen, I wasn't thinking, I don't know why I did it." He answered and I shook my head. I pushed my fingers into me hair, leaning on my elbows.

"I-I've got to go.." I spoke, taking my fingers out of my hair.

"No wait Li-" I cut him off by leaving the chat room and closing the Team Speak tab. I wiped under my eyes, trying to stop myself from crying. I crawled off of the computer chair and up onto Brayden's bed.

I curled up into a ball and shoved my face into his pillow, crying freely. I pulled his covers over me and sobbed into my pillow. I thought I was ready to find out who it was but apparently I wasn't.

I was also apparently crying too loudly as Brayden soon burst into the room with a panicked look on his face "Li?" He called with a pretty scary voice on. I pulled the covers over my head and curled up into a ball.

"Li?" His voice was a whole lot softer sounding now. "Lia, please, talk to me." I felt the bed dip a little at my feet and I just curled up tighter. I didn't feel like talking. "Lia, please." He spoke again as I felt his hand patting my back.

I shook my head under the covers and he sighed a little bit. "Please, Lia," He paused. "Don't keep me in the dark about this... Whatever is going on." He spoke and I sighed a little, sniffling as I removed the covers from over me.

I crawled over to him and he looked shocked. I sat beside him and hugged into his side. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap, hugging into me as I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

I pushed my head into the crook on his neck and cried softly. How could he do this to me? I have done nothing, nothing to him and he just whips something like this out on me.

"What happened?" Brayden muttered into my shoulder, causing me to squrim a little at the ticklish sensation. "Did you have another panic attack?" I just gripped onto his jumper tighter at his words.

"I-" I cut myself off, taking my face away from his shoulder to look at him properly. Concern filled his dark brown eyes and my heart swelled at that. "I found out who the person ha- was..." I spoke and looked away from his intense stare.

"What? Seriously? Who was it?" He asked quickly and I pulled at the back of his jumper. "I swear to god they're going to get kicked straight from this group." I instantly shook my head at his words and he sighed. "Why not, they hurt you and basically bullied and pressurized you." He spoke.

"No," I answered shakily. I understand what he did was wrong but he was here before me. 

"Okay.. we'll talk about that later," He spoke and his hands moved away from my waist to hold my face. "Who was it?" He asked sternly.

"It was." I took a deep breath and Brayden stared at me, waiting for an answer.








lmao so a lot of you guessed it ;D

anyways, i'm going to go through some of the guesses and tell you why it couldn't have been them.

Brayden;  He was the one that questioned to speak to graser when graser was talking to the mystery TS person (perker)


Liam;  Parker was taking to him about feeling guilty about being in the call


Tomahawk;  idk he had every reason to do it lmao


Graser;  he talked to brayden about the situation


Straub; he was shopping with bee when it all went down


Will; he knew about Layani at minecon when it happened, jordan told him remember


Ryan; he already knew about brayden and lia, idk how but he did lmao


Jordan; .....he was one of the main people involved.....


Grape; hes only recorded with stacy 1 or 2 times and he barely ever records with H


Joe; he was inactive for like 10 hours (half an hour) when it all went down

Now to tell you why all the evidence leaded on to Parker

-he recorded that mesa valley thing with stacy when this story is set (remember im very behind the time rn ;-;)

-he always records with H

-he laughs all the time (kyoot)

-he is like the only person who calls H LIAAAAM

I think thats it lmao.


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