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A/N Sorry for the long wait. I didn't have any ideas for this chapter.


I opened the door and was relieved to see Jungkook. "I'm so glad you're here!"

I hugged him, he hugged me back. Jungkook closed the door then looked at me worriedly. "Are you hurt? What's wrong? You're lucky we were on break."

I let him sit down first then told him about the mail. "I received an E-Mail from an unknown person."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Death threats?! Oh my God, noona, you better move in with all of us—"

"No, it's not a death threat. I'll just show it to you, it's easier to explain that way.", I handed him my phone.

I watched Jungkook read the letter. He looked more anxious than I was. "J-Jungkook, it's not really a big deal, right?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No, noona, something is wrong. This isn't photoshop, it can't be. It's too clear."

I bit my lip, I was seriously having false hope of this being fake. Jungkook kept looking back at the E-Mail then suddenly tilted his head.

"How does she have a picture of this incident?", he asked. "I don't know. There must be some kind of camera in your dorm.", I said.

Jungkook's eyes widened. "What if there is a camera in our dorm that doesn't belong to BigHit?"

I looked at him surprisedly. It was possible, but how could it have been put in their dorm?

"But doesn't your dorm have camera detectors or something?"

"It does, that's why I'm wondering how the pictures got into the hands of someone who wants you to stay away from us.", Jungkook said.

We were both confused. Jungkook suddenly stood up. "We should go to the dorm. I need to tell RapMon hyung and Bang PD-nim."


We arrived at the dorm. I quickly ran towards the entrance, in case someone was watching. Jungkook did the same.

They went on the elevator, luckily, no one was there to spy on the both of them. "Jungkook, what if your hyungs really don't actually like me?"

Jungkook gave a chuckle. "To be honest, I'm worried that they're starting to become obsessed with you."

As soon as the elevator stopped at their floor, we rushed to their dorm. The only person I saw in the living room was Jin, who was on his phone.

He looked up and smiled brightly. "Oh, Y/N! It's so good to see you, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi are working on the new album while the two are buying chips."

"Hyung, where's the manager?", Jungkook asked. Jin's bright smile faded. "Oh, is there a problem?"

"Yeah, I have to tell Bang PD-nim. Someone sent an E-Mail to noona threatening her to stay away from us or he or she will leak photos.", Jungkook explained.

Jin looked confused. "Leak photos?"

"The person took pictures of us playing Truth or Dare.", I said, hoping that the feeling of being uncomfortable wouldn't stay within me for a long time.

The color of Jin's face went away. "T-Truth or Dare?"

Jin dropped his phone on the table. "Hyung, is Bang PD-nim in his office like always?", Jungkook asked.

Jin shrugged. "He didn't say anything about leaving so I'm assuming that he's in the office."

"Noona, you should stay here. You'll attract a lot of attention if you go out with me.", Jungkook said, leaving right away.

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