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What on earth is going on?

I have no idea how I ended up sprawled on the floor. Was I crying? Did I actually feel sorry for her?

The woman who made my life absolutely miserable was now explaining why she had done so. That does not even make any sense.

If I am being completely honest, I have no idea what I am supposed to feel right now.

Glad that there's an explanation behind all her actions? Angry that she said it a bit too late for me to forgive her? Or should I pity her?


I grasped ahold of my phone from the couch and went straight to my contacts. Before pressing his name, I remember our argument.

Honestly, I sort of regret walking out on the members like that. I hope I didn't make them worried or anything.

I just wish that Jungkook stopped tailing me like a stalker. I get that he's worried, but he sometimes goes overboard as if I can't even take care of myself.

Okay, maybe I sometimes can't, but that's besides the point.

I push my pride away and decide to call his number.

His phone is ringing, but he doesn't pick up. I hope he's not still angry with me (Although, he sort of doesn't have any right to be).

I wait for a minute or so, and he finally picks up. We both say nothing, and awkward silence fills the air.




I bite my lip, trying to figure out what to say. "Jungkook...uh...How should I put this?"

"Hm...I just-I-I'm sorry about...a while ago."

I heard him take a deep breath. "Honestly, noona, I think I crossed the line to follow you around at night. I overreacted, and I apologize for getting angry."

I was taken aback by his response. So mature, so different from the Jungkook I know.

"Wow...You've changed..."


"Ah, nothing," I smiled to myself. Remembering what I called him for, I stopped smiling. "Jungkook-ah, have mom and dad contacted you lately?"

"Huh-uh..." he seemed to have been a bit startled by the question. I guess it didn't really occur to him that I'd call for that reason. "Noona, did something happen to you?"

I gulped. How was I supposed to explain this to him over a call?

"Jungkook? Is it possible for you to come to my place for a while? I just...what I have to tell you is a little too long to be explained through call."


I looked down on the floor. "It's fine if you can't, maybe some other time when things are less...you know..."

"No, noona, it's fine. I'll go there right away!"


Jungkook continued to stare at his phone, even if the call with Y/N had already ended.

He knew that he said he would go to her place right away. But...

He had an unsettling feeling that something unfortunate would happen.

He gave out a deep sigh. He couldn't leave her hanging like that. He had to go to her.

More importantly, he was curious of what she was supposed to tell him. Her voice was different from her usual cheery one.

Jungkook groaned as he got out of bed. He took his black beanie and mask to match his outfit.

He tried as much as he could to silently open the door. Annoyingly, his door made a small creak. After swearing in his head, he carefully shut the door.

He wasn't expecting to see six men on the couch. Five of them were lying down with their eyes wide open and staring at the figure of Jungkook, meanwhile, one was awoken.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked, his voice was tired, clearly, he was the one who had just woken up.

"I'm going to Y/N," Jungkook muttered.

Taehyung immediately stood up. "I'll come with you."

"Me too," the other members said as they all stood up and stretched, as if getting ready.

"No," said Jungkook firmly. "It's an important matter, and she only asked me to come."

Hoseok looked offended. "So you're saying that she only wants to see you? Not us?"

"Hyung, that's not what I meant," Jungkook sighed. "She called me up to tell me something important, and I have a feeling that she doesn't want you all to know."

"I'm seriously offended," said Jin. "It's as if you think we're going with you just to stick our noses into something that doesn't concern us."

"Well, it seems that way." said Jungkook, now getting irritated.

Before Jin could open his mouth to retort, Namjoon spoke up, "Just tell her we're sorry."

"For what?"

"For trying to stop her from leaving, that's all we wanted to say to her."

Jungkook nodded impatiently, then proceeded to leave.


Jungkook had decided to walk to her place, thinking it was safest. Besides, he was sure that there were no more buses operating in the middle of the night.

As he hurriedly made his way, he was getting more and more nervous of what she might say.

Was it another e-mail?

Or another hater?

But that wouldn't explain her odd behavior on the phone. She asked about their parents.

He hadn't expected her to bring up such thing since she knew how much she was despised by their mother.

His thoughts were interrupted by a clicking noise. He stopped dead and turned several times, trying to figure out where the noise had come from.

I'm being stupid, he thought to himself as he chuckled. The noise just came from my head.

But what if it isn't?

He sighed, he continued his way to her apartment, jogging.

As he was about to enter the building, he heard another noise. This time it wasn't clicking.

It seemed like someone had tripped on the road then ran away. He looked back before finally entering the building.

Little did he know, he was being followed.

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