Chapter Three - Typical London Weather (JASON)

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[Wattpad's being really annoying and it deleted my draft of this chapter. I hope it's as good as the draft was. (Fingers crossed!)]

What the hell is this? Another trick by my brothers?

If so, it's pretty big. And terrifyingly realistic. She just grabbed my arm and wham, it was over. I try to pull myself out of the pit, but it's harder than it looks. The sand is so fine that my hands and feet can't get any gain on the surface. That girl frightens me. I have to force myself not to look back at her. She's pretty scary and scarily pretty.

She's wearing a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a pair of light gray converses. But what's scariest is her face - not as in cuts or whatever, but more specifically, her eyes. They're gray and stormy and I saw the flash of anger in them before she judo-flipped me. It was freakier than poking a rattlesnake with a stick. Way freakier.

I can feel a prickle at the back of my neck and I can't help but turn round. Yeah, she's looking at me. I'd like to think that her expression is a little bit softer, but it still looks as hard as rock. "Would you stop that?" I say. I think her look is meant to intimidate me, and it's working. But I can't let her know that, can I? I scan the pit, looking for any sort of useful handhold or exit. No such luck.

"Fine, I'm leaving," she says, turning on her heel and marching to the opposite edge of the pit. Really? Just like that?

"Stay, if you want. The dæmons will be happy to have you instead of me. Or, you could run. And you'd have to be fast. Or, you could come with me and get trained. Your choice."

Then she turns to the edge and - no way. I must be hallucinating. I rub my eyes and look again. Well, I'm not hallucinating. She's floating! Right out the pit, no jetpacks or anything. She gets to the crest of the sand dune and starts walking away.

"Hey! Wait!" I yell. "Where would you take me? And don't say 'away from here'," I add, mumbling. She turns, sighs and flicks her wrist at me. I'm suddenly lurched into the air and land on my stomach in the sand.

Whoa, that was weird.

Somehow, my pack has managed to stay on my shoulder. God, she's even prettier up close-

You don't even know her - and she just did that.

I'm only slightly taller than her, maybe by a couple of inches. Her hair blows in the wind, into her face. It's not artificial at all, no highlights, no dip-dye. At the top of her head it's a rich chestnutty kind of brown, but as it goes down, it gets lighter until it's practically blonde at the tips. There's nothing overly fashionable about her clothes, but they suit her fine. She's quite slender, and she holds herself in a 'ready for anything' kind of stance. I can tell she knows she's pretty, but it doesn't seem to bother her as much as what I call 'the orange girls' at school, with their make-up and boy talk and make-up and spray tan and make-up and attitude and make-up and highlights and, of course, make-up. They think they're so damn good-looking. I feel like I wanna puke every time I see them.

"Give me your hand," she says.

"What?" I say jokingly. "We've only just met!"

"Don't make this awkward or I'll make another one of those." She gestures towards the crater she made earlier. I blink. For the first time since we met, she smiles. It's a dazzling smile.

"Alright. But if I'm so important, you wouldn't dare!"

"Don't. Push it." She grabs my hand and a tingle goes up my arm. If she feels it, she doesn't show it.

"So... Where are we going?" I ask.

She gives me that dazzling smile again and says "England."

Then the world goes black.


So, what do you think will happen next? Is Addison trustworthy? Is Jason 'the one'? If you have any other predictions, leave them in the comments! Also, vote, share and add to your libraries to keep up to date with Saskia_Markovski's own Elemental War!

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