Second plan?! 😈

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I heard the last part like a joke , what was afrah planning? Where is she.

"Abba" I attempted to say something but my voice failed. I paused, swallowed saliva and tried again.

"Abba I'm sorry it will not happen again, insha allah"

"Toh yaron abba, it's not that I chose my daughter over you afaan , no it's just not safe to leave her alone okay"

"Toh abba"

"Then secondly , your dad said I should discuss your honey moon with you , do you have any place in mind?"

"Erm abba, wallahi I haven't thought of it" I said looking down.

"Toh , maybe you're shy ko? It's ok , go home and discuss it with your wife I know she'll call me dan Afrah kam sai godiya" he said smiling
So everyone knows about her witty ways.

I exchanged pleasantries with harri and ummi and left wondering where afra is!
Let me call Zara , I know they're always together, I parked and called Zara and she picked lazily.

"Ya afaan , Ina kwana(good morning)"

"Zara, are you still sleeping"

"Umm no, ya afaan I wanted to call you and tell you that we were coming over today please inform adda Khadija"

My heart skipped a beat, I couldn't tell her that I didn't know where my wife is , so I said ok and dropped the call.

Meanwhile afrah.

"First plan check"

"Adda , adda ya afaan is calling"Zara came running.

"Pick it and tell him what we revised"

She picked and did exactly as we planned and he dropped the call.

"Second plan in progress" I smiled sluggishly.

Next I switched on my phone and waited for his call, and guess it he did call immediately.


"Yes hello" I answered calm and unimpressed.

"Afrah , it's afaan where are you I just left Abbas place and he said you're not there" who is this one forming for, as if I didn't hear the restlessness in his voice while talking to Zara.

"Excuse me sir, im no longer yours, I'm the amanah(promise) that you broke,so please don't disturb me"

"Listen to me afrah , you're still my wife"

"Wife?"I cut him off and laughed.

"I ceased to be your wife the day you chose that piece of shit over me, your wife is at home with you dai not me, wa da'an". I dropped the call and sat down to catch my breathe.

For real, I wasn't in love with ya afaan , or maybe I am but anytime I remember him with aneesa I feel something like a stick poking my chest, ya allah help me and lead me through the right path.
I got up from the bed and wore a very loose black jumpsuit.

I was almost through tying my brown hijab when My phone rang ,it was bullz afaans cousin

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I was almost through tying my brown hijab when My phone rang ,it was bullz afaans cousin.

"Hello favvvv in law"he said in his heavy British accent

"Hello filot , ka shareh mu ai(you've forgotten about us)"
He hates it when I call him filot😂

"Me??? How can I forget you ? Chab , I saw your call earlier on , we just got back sef we were thinking of coming over on Thursday for dinner, is it ok?"

"Of course it is, you and who?"

"You're one lucky woman, you're having the whole three ms squad over, I called your husband and told him that we are coming over for dinner next week and he dropped after calling me an asshole, kinsan afaan and his mood swings, sha maybe he doesn't want his wifey to suffer"

I laughed heartily.
Could it be true?
I shook the feeling immediately.

"I'll be glad to have you over , Erm yauwa mah(name I call him when I need a favor) , I need your help, that's why I called you in the first place".

"Ok , what help?"

"It's about afaan".

Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is! Life is short, and if we enjoy every moment of every day, then we will be happy no matter what happens or what changes along the way.

Hey brothers and sisters , I really appreciate the love you're giving me.
Is it the spirit of Ramadan ? I don't know but I'm loving it so so much.

I love you all and god blessXx. ❤️❤️

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