A New Life

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        A/N: I apologize for the lack of updates. This chapter was a bit difficult to write and I had to find some motivation. Also, finals are finally done, which means I have officially finished my freshman year at college. This means that I will probably be updating a bit more frequently, but I have a lot of other fan-fictions that I also have to update. I will do my best to update as often as I can. Without further ado, The Yuyan Archer:

        Previously on The Yuyan Archer:

        Adara nodded in understanding and they continued on their way. Aang turned back to her and asked, "By the way, you never told me who your grandfather was." Adara looked at him and answered,

        "His name was Kuzon."

        "Wait? You're grandfather is Kuzon! How do I know that you're telling the truth?" Aang questioned. Adara paused and thought for a moment. What would make him believe who she is related too? She thought back to the story that her grandfather told her. The one about the dragon's egg. Only Aang and her grandfather were there that day. That was the answer.

        She turned to him and answered, "I remember my grandfather telling me the story about how you and him rescued a dragon's egg from a group of thieves. He didn't think that his bending was strong enough to be very convincing for a dragon's fire, so he had you help him extend the flames by using your airbending. When you scared the bandits off, the mother came back and you nearly dropped the egg while my grandfather was trying to distract it. You caught it at the last second and that's how you were able to gain the dragon's trust. As a reward, my grandfather was able to ride back to his village on the dragon."

        Then, she remembered something else. She dug into her satchel and pulled the picture of her grandfather and Aang. She handed a picture of him and explained, "This is one of the two portraits that I took from my home before I went to live in Pohuai Stronghold." Aang took the portrait and looked at it with sadness in his eyes. He looked back at Adara and said, "He's dead, isn't he."

        "He died five years ago when I nine years old. He took care of me when my father died in the war. My father was a Fire Nation soldier. A colonel to be precise. He met my mother in his later years and I came as a shock to them. Because they met so late in life, they didn't think that they could have children. They were pleased nonetheless. My mother died when I was five due to sickness. My father passed away trying to protect Prince Lu Ten, who perished not long after, when I was eight, in the Battle of Ba Sing Se."

        "I'm sorry. I know what it's like to feel loss. I lost my entire nation due to the Fire Nation." Aang said. Adara looked at him and she could see the sadness in his eyes. She couldn't imagine what that must feel like. She quickly embraced him and said, "I'm so sorry, Aang. I wish that we had never started this war. The land could've been at peace."

        "Adara, this war isn't your fault. You had no control over the actions of your ancestors." Aang said.

        "I still joined the Fire Nation Army for the role of the Yuyan Archer." Adara reminded him.

        "But, you left them in the end. It's better to join later rather than never." Aang said and he gave her a smile to which she returned. She playfully nudged him and said, "Go. Your friends need your help right now. I'll be here when you are ready to tell them about me." Aang nodded and took off into the forest.

         Once he left, Adara was left to her thoughts. She had left everything she had known. She wondered if Aang's friends would accept her like Aang did. Adara didn't think so. Many people hated the Fire Nation. Would she have this reaction with everyone she came into contact with? Would she have to constantly prove to people that she has truly changed? Adara knew that it was going to be a rough ride and it was going to take some time for people to trust her.

        As night fall and there was no word from Aang, Adara settled down for the night.  In the morning, she felt someone shaking her awake. Out of instinct, she kicked the person's legs and pulled out her knife. "Wait! It's me!" A familiar voice cried out. Adara stopped attacking and realized that it was only Aang. She lowered her weapon and said, "Sorry, Aang."

        "It's okay. Come on. I want you to meet my friends." Aang said with a bright smile on his face. He took off and Adara followed closley behind. They reached an old ruin and Adara froze at what she saw. There was a sky bison! He was magnificent with his white fur to the arrow on his head. In front of him were two people. A boy and a girl. They looked like they were from the Water Tribe. On the girl's shoulder was a lemur.

        "Katara, Sokka, this is Adara. Adara, this is Sokka and Katara. Behind them is Appa and the lemur is Momo. She helped rescue me from the Pohuai Stronghold." Aang introduced. Sokka and Katara walked up to her and they were about to shake her hand until Sokka noticed the fire nation insignia on her bow and armor. He jumped back and shouted, "You didn't mention that she was Fire Nation!" Katara's eyes widened and she stepped back too.

        "She is Fire Nation. In fact, she was with the group of archers that captured me." Aang tried to explained, but Sokka interrupted him, "Then why is she here? She must be a spy!"

        "No, she isn't, Sokka. She helped me escape and by doing so, she betrayed everything that she ever loved. She believes that Firelord must be stopped. That's why she rescued me. She wants to bring peace and balance to the world. In doing so, she now has nothing. Please. Trust me on this, Sokka. She is on our side." Aang said. Sokka glanced at Adara and she expected him to protest some more, but surprisingly he didn't. He just mumbled under his breath and walked away.

        However, the girl said, "Don't mind my brother, Adara. He just gets a little paranoid sometimes. If Aang trusts you, then so do I."

        "Thanks. I appreciate that." Adara said. She had a feeling that it was going to be a while until Sokka trusted her.

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