The Bath Talks

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(Theme song is Lake Shrine by Maejor)

Few hours before the wedding

Nova's POV

As I hold my breath and put my face and body underwater, I get this tingling sensation on my skin, this bath feels heaven, it feels as if it is cleansing my soul

I raise my face up from the water and take a deep breadth in as I feel the hot water on my face turning cool immediately, I duck in again

I raise my face up from the water and take a deep breadth in as I feel the hot water on my face turning cool immediately, I duck in again

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*Door opens*

I close my eyes gently as my face emerges out of the water again, this rhythmic dipping is soothing my sore body

"A well deserved bath" A voice says and I open my eyes slowly and see Aslaug sitting diagonally to me, she scoots a little closer

I say nothing, today I just want to hear my mother in Law talk, I ask for nothing more as I stare into the firewood

"I heard what happened" she says with kind eyes

"But you must not let it shake you, I see your future Nova, I am a Volva" she tilts her head on the side, almost showing sympathy 

"You shall not be defeated, you will be a queen, a warrior queen" she says as I look into infinity

"Who said I felt defeated or melancholy?" I say as I shift my gaze to her's, "I am in no way defeated or sorrowful

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"Who said I felt defeated or melancholy?" I say as I shift my gaze to her's, "I am in no way defeated or sorrowful. Sure, many events happened that I wish didn't happen but I am thankful that they happened. I see things now, which I was too blind to see before" I say

"What do you see now?" Aslaug asks with sheer amazement

I don't utter a word, there are events and circumstances that cannot be put in words. Which one knows in her heart within and only that person can understand the depths of it. How the language and words fail us at times....

Aslaug takes her fingers and gently touch my skin, I hesitate but I don't move

"Oh you beauty. You finally know what you are meant for. Kattegat will be blessed to have you as their rightful queen, you beauty and fearlessness will be talked about in far away lands" she gestures with her hands "And my oh my, you will give Ivar the most beautiful children who Odin will bless with his own hands" she says and smile, I smile back and nod

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