Chapter 4

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"Mama, come here. Approach, appear. Daddy, I'm alone. 'Cause this house don't feel like home. If you love me don't let go. 'Cause I'm a little unsteady." - X Ambassadors


Thursday afternoon came around quicker than any of them would have liked. They were standing outside of their fathers new house, willing themselves to go in. 'Is he definitely staying here for good?' Lisa asked. It was about an hour out of the city and it was smaller than the last house they visited in the country.

'I think so.' Katherine said. She looked over the front of the house. It was painted white, and there were green window frames and a green door. Half of the house was covered in vines with red and purple flowers sprouting at random points.

'It's not very, dad.' Dani complained.

'Remember, don't judge a book by it's cover.' Katherine said. She was holding a pie in her hands.

'I can't believe you made a pie.' Amy said.

'What? I never go to a party without bringing something.'

'This is not going to be a party, trust me.' Lisa told her.

'Come on guys, let's try and be positive about this, please?' Katherine begged them. 'And no magic talk.'

'Got it.' Christina said. 'Can't have Helen thinking we all need a trip to the insane asylum.'

'Or maybe we can use it to scare her off?' Lauren wondered.

'No.' Katherine protested. 'We're going to be polite and respectful.'

'And besides, if she's taking up all of dad's time then he'll stay out of our lives.' Christina said.

'Good point.' Lauren smiled.

'That's the family spirit we need.' Katherine sighed. 'Come on.' She led them forwards and knocked on the door. After a moment their father opened it.

'Girls!' He said. 'I'm so happy you're here.' He was beaming.

'Hey dad.' Katherine said, hugging him.

'How was your drive over? You found it okay?' He asked, taking their coats and hanging them on the rack. Dani was busy looking around at the pastel coloured interior. She was staring in shock and mild disgust.

'It was pretty easy to find.' Lisa said.

'Took about an hour.' Katherine told him. 'Here, I made a pie.' She handed it to him.

'How kind.' Robert thanked her and took the pie. 'Smells like your mothers apple recipe.'

'That's the one.' Katherine assured him.

'Come through to the living room.' He led them down a hallway and into a large room at the back of the house. They saw a woman sitting on one of the chairs. She stood as they came through and brushed down her skirt. She was blonde, blue eyed, and not their father's type at all. She was also a lot younger than their father. 'Girls, this is Helen. Helen, these are my girls.'

'It's a pleasure to meet all of you.' She said, a slight southern accent coming through.

'Hi, I'm Katherine.' Katherine shook her hand. Amy and Lisa waved, the rest were quiet. Robert noticed the silence and stepped in.

'And this is Lauren, Dani, Amy, Lisa and Christina.' He said, pointing them out.

'Such beautiful young women.' She said, looking them over. 'I've made chicken for dinner, I hope that's alright with everyone?'

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