Chapter 10

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"There is no distance that cannot be covered. Over and over. You're not defenceless, I'll be your shelter, I'll be your armour." - Lauren Daigle


Christina got out of the car at her apartment. 'I'll just grab some stuff and then meet you guys at the house.' She said as she closed the door.

'Don't take too long. We have demons to find.' Dani reminded her. Christina waved as they drove off and walked up the stairs. She unlocked the door and entered, but as soon as she closed it there was a knock behind her. Thinking it was Noah, Christina opened the door. Instead, Helen was standing on her doorstep. She stopped, shocked for a moment until she found her voice.

'Helen.' She said. 'What are you doing here?'

'I wanted to speak to you.' She said. 'Can I come in?'

'Oh, sure.' Christina said, stepping aside and letting her pass. Helen looked around the room before turning back to face her. Christina closed the door again. 'Can I get you a drink?'

'Tea would be lovely if you have any.' Helen smiled.

'No problem.' Christina moved over to the kitchen and started filling the kettle. 'What did you want to talk about?'

'You know I care about your father, right?' Helen asked.

'Honestly, I don't.' Christina said. 'We didn't even know you were a factor until a few weeks ago and our dad has bought a new house to live in with you, so.'

'I don't blame you for being suspicious.' Helen smiled. 'And I know I'll never replace your mother.'

'You're not old enough to be my mother.' Christina snapped back but closed her eyes after realising what she'd said.

'You think I'm too young for him?'

'It doesn't matter what I think.' Christina said. 'Robert is going to do what he wants.'

'He values your opinions Christina.' Helen said.

'Is this all you came to discuss? Because I can promise you we're not going to be best buddies.' Christina said.

'No, that's not all.' Helen said. 'Your father told me about your mother, and about you.'

'What about us?'

'That you're witches.' She said. Christina's eyes widened.

'He wouldn't tell you that.' Christina said.

'Well he has.' Helen smiled. 'And I want you to know that I'm perfectly okay with it.' Christina looked rather skeptically.

'What do you want Helen?' She asked firmly.

'Can you show me your power?' Helen asked. 'Your dad said something about an energy beam.' she was smiling far too much for Christina's liking.

'No, I don't feel like doing it right now.' Christina said, not wanting her to know she physically couldn't.

'Oh, that's a shame.' Helen said. 'I didn't want to do this, but...' She raised her hand and sent out invisible waves of energy. Christina's vision began to go blurry and she stumbled back towards the counter, catching it and knocking some mugs to the floor. They smashed on the ground just as Helen transformed into something else. No, it wasn't Helen. It was a demon masquerading as Helen. Christina was able to make out dark hair, blue eyes, and the same brand as before tattooed onto his neck. He smiled at her as she fell to the ground. And then everything went black.


'Where is she?' Dani asked, pacing the room. 'It's been like an hour.'

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