Chapter 8

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"When the night has come. And the land is dark. And the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid. No I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand, stand by me." - Ben E King


They made their way through the front doors a little while later. Katherine was not okay to drive so Christina took over. Lisa set Katherine down on the sofa, Lauren doing the same with Dani. Amy had taken a healing potion in the car so that she could recuperate enough to heal her sisters. 'Okay, let's fix everyone up.' Amy said, kneeling by Katherine who seemed to be having the most trouble. She was falling in and out of consciousness, probably from having her air supply cut off for a extended period of time. They watched as Amy put her hand on Katherine's chest and let the warm every take her over.

'I'm going to get the book.' Christina said, making her way up the stairs. She made it halfway up and had to stop to compose herself. She lent on the bannister and closed her eyes as a wave of nausea took her over. She raised a hand to her head and saw blood as she withdrew it. After another moment of deep breathing she was met with the worried eyes of Lisa.

'You okay?' Lisa asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

'I'm fine.' Christina stood up straighter.

'You should let Amy heal you before you do anything else.' Lisa suggested.

'She has her hands full at the moment.' Christina said. 'It's just a bump.'

'Sure it is.' Lisa looked over her sister and saw the blood running down her face and the wound on her shoulder.

'I'm proud of you Lise.' Christina said, smiling. 'You saved us and you controlled yourself.'

'The anger was still in there. I still needed Amy to make it go away.' Lisa reminded her.

'But you didn't hurt anyone, other than the demons.' Christina took her hand. 'You told the power what to do and it listened. And when you couldn't make it stop, you asked for help.'

'I did, didn't I.' Lisa grinned.

'Yeah, and you were thrown through a window so you should let Aimes look you over too.'

'I will.' Lisa said. 'Let's get the book and go back down.' Lisa directed her gently towards the next flight of stairs and they made their way up.


Amy had finally finished healing everyone when Lisa and Christina came back into the living room. 'Everyone okay?' Christina asked as Lisa put the book on the table.

'Good as new.' Lauren assured her, although they were still all in need of showers.

'Your turn.' Amy said, trying to get Christina to sit down.

'Can you look at Lise first please?' Christina said. Amy sighed but did so, moving over to Lisa's side. Christina sat down next to Dani and closed her eyes. Dani looked her over.

'How many times have you been hit in the head now?' Dani asked her. Christina smiled and opened her eyes.

'I've lost count.' Christina admitted.

'Aimes, does your power cover brain damage?' Dani joked.

'I think so.' Amy said.

'What do you mean you think so?' Christina smiled. Amy ginned back at her as she healed Lisa. 'Dan, can you see if there's anyone in the book called Lex?' She asked.

'Sure.' Dani lent forwards and picked the book up from the table. 'We already know where he lives.'

'I'd like to know what kind of demon he is before we go over there.' Katherine said. 'And remind me to vanquish Jack the next time we see him.' Amy came over to Christina and started healing her injuries. The burn on her shoulder vanished and the pain in her head subsided.

'Whilst you're doing that, I think the rest of us should get cleaned up.' Lauren suggested.

'Good idea.' Lisa said. 'Chris, I have some clothes you can borrow.'

'Shorts and a hoodie?' Christina looked at her skeptically.

'No, I have other clothes.' Lisa assured her. 'Come on.' Lisa hauled her up and they followed Lauren up stairs.

'Don't mind me guys, I'll just be here working.' Dani called up to them as they went.

'I'll stay with you Dan.' Katherine said, slumping down on the sofa and watching her youngest sister paw through the book.


They regrouped in the kitchen after their showers and let Dani and Katherine go for theirs. Amy had put on some dinner and the rest of them were gathered around the book. They had managed to find Lex. He was another power collecting demon, but he didn't collect them for himself. 'So what? He bottles powers and stores them until someone pays for them?' Lauren wondered.

'Maybe.' Lisa agreed.

'Does it say why he hates witches so much?' Amy asked from her position over a pot of cooking pasta.

'It says that he...' Lauren suddenly stopped reading.

'He what Laur?' Amy prompted.

'He had a relationship with a witch. She broke his heart and he made it his mission to steal powers and kill as many witches as possible.' Lauren said, looking up at them.

'That's a new one.' Lisa said.

'I think witches dating demons is more common than we realise.' Christina thought. 'Remember, Natalie had a fling with the Mind Breaker.'

'That's true.' Amy agreed.

'It's weird.' Lauren said. 'I couldn't imagine going out with a demon.'

'What if you didn't know he was a demon?' Amy asked. 'And you got to know him and he was really sweet and kind. Would you end it if you found out?'

'Yeah.' Lauren said but then really thought it through. 'I think I would.'

'What are we doing?' Dani asked as she and Katherine entered the room. Dani's hair was still wet from the shower.

'Would you go out with a demon?' Lisa asked them.

'No, ew.' Dani sat down at the table.

'Why are we talking about this?' Katherine asked.

'Turns out Lex hates witches so much because his heart was broken by one.' Christina told them.

'That's not good.' Katherine said. 'What are his powers?'

'His power is that he sucks out other people's powers.' Lauren said. 'He has some sort of draining ability, but he has to be in direct contact to use it, according to the book. Other than that, I assume energy balls, like most lower level demons.'

'Perfect, so just don't let him touch you.' Dani said. 'That smells great Aimes.' She was distracted by their dinner.

'It'll be ready soon.' Amy assured her.

'I'm starved.' Dani sat back in her chair.

'When are we paying Lex a visit then?' Katherine asked.

'Not now. It's too late.' Christina said. 'We could go in the morning.'

'Sounds good to me. I just want to sleep.' Lisa said.

'In your own room please.' Christina looked at her and Lisa rolled her eyes.

'Fine.' Lisa sighed.

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