Chapter 12

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"Ramblers in the wilderness we can't find what we need. We get a little restless from the searching. Get a little worn down in between. Like a bull chasing the matador is the man left to his own schemes. Everybody needs someone beside em' shining like a lighthouse from the sea." - NeedToBreathe


They looked up at the small flat above the hairdressers. It didn't look like a demon hangout, but Roger had told them that Duncan wasn't much of a demon. 'Okay, there's back and front doors.' Christina noticed. 'I think we need to have all the exits covered in case Markus is in there and tries something.'

'So we split up.' Amy said.

'Lisa, come up with me.' Christina said. 'We can use your relationship with Duncan to get us in.'

'I don't really have a relationship with Duncan.' Lisa reminded her.

'No but he knows Roger.' Christina said. 'And Roger knows you, so there's a connection.'

'What if Markus sees you and recognises you?' Lauren asked Christina.

'Good, I want him to recognise me.' Christina said angrily.

'What if he does his weird drugging trick again?' Katherine asked.

'I'll just have to knock him down before he gets the chance.'

'Alright, I'll take Amy to the back door.' Dani said. 'Kath and Lauren can stay here, then we'll have an active power at each base.'

'Good idea Dan.' Christina smiled at her. 'Let's go.' She turned to Lisa and they made their way up the stairs. Lisa held onto the hand rail as they went up. The stairs were out in the open and covered in rust.

'This building is not well looked after.' She said, taking her hand back and rubbing her palm on her jeans. Christina turned back to her and smiled. They reached the top of the stairs and were met with a blue door, paint chipping off by the handle and hinges.

'Ready?' Christina asked.

'What if no one's home?' Lisa asked.

'Then we'll break in and do some snooping.' Christina said.

'You remember you're a lawyer right? Breaking and entering is a crime.' Lisa said.

'Yes I am aware.' Christina said. She knocked on the door and a few moments later a man opened it. He was wearing faded jeans and a grubby top with holes in the side. He was older so they assumed he was Duncan and Markus' father.

'What?' He grumbled. Christina could smell the alcohol on him from a distance.

'Hi, I'm Lisa.' She said, stepping forwards. 'Is Duncan home?'

'Why do you want to know?' The man rubbed his eyes.

'I had lunch with him and another friend, I need to talk to him about that friend.' Lisa turned to Christina for help.

'We just need his advice on something.' Christina added.

'That kid is a waste of space. You don't need any advice from him.' The man was about to close the door on them when Christina put her foot in the way.

'Look, just tell us where Duncan is and we'll go.' She said. He looked down at her and his eyes began to get angrier and they turned a deep shade of purple. Christina kept her eyes on his and didn't flinch, which surprised him.

'What are you?' He asked her.

'None of your business. We need to speak with Duncan, now you can tell us where he is or I can make you.'

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