Chapter 6

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"There's a voice in my pillow. It's got it out for me. Cause it keeps mumbling, mumbling, all through the night. I can't sleep. Now my skin starts to crawl, I'm gon' tear down these walls if I don't get out. I've lost heaven to hell and I know very well I'm gon' get it back. There's just this waiting game. And I don't know how to play. It's enough of a fight staying alive anyway." - Parson James


Christina woke up in the middle of the night clutching her chest and breathing heavily. She was sweating and cold at the same time. She looked over to the clock and saw that it was three in the morning. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing before she noticed Noah shifting beside her. He rolled over and opened his eyes. 'Hey.' He whispered, leaning up on his elbow and taking her hand. 'You okay?'

'I'm fine.' She tried to smile at him but he could see through it. 'Go back to sleep.'

'Christina.' He sat up properly and switched the beside lamp on. 'You're not fine.' She sighed and lent her head in her hand. 'Just like when you called me last night you weren't fine.'

'I don't want to talk about it.' She said.

'Evidently.' He smiled. 'But you can talk to me, you know.' He started rubbing soothing circles over the back of her hand with his own.

'I know.' She said.

'Is there anything I can do to help?' He offered.

'No, you're perfect.' She said. 'It's a.... magical problem.'

'About your powers?'

'Kind of. There have been some attacks on witches lately, and on potential witches.' She told him. 'We've been asked to look into it.'

'Should I be worried?' He asked sincerely.

'Not at the moment.' She smiled at him.

'I don't really like the sound of that.' He admitted.

'I may have to cancel on Saturday, depending on how everything goes.' She said honestly.

'Okay, I guess I could take my sister. She needs more culture.' He grinned.

'Thank you.' Christina said.

'Now, are you going to talk to me about this dream?' Noah asked.

'Not right now.' Christina said. 'I'm going to do some work.' She said, slipping out from under the duvet.

'Chris, it's three in the morning.' He protested.

'I know, but I'll never get back to sleep now.' She said. 'Don't worry, I'm fine.' She lent over and kissed him before leaving the room. He sighed and slumped back down onto the bed.


Katherine was reading the book when her sisters came into the kitchen the next morning. 'Any ideas Kath?' Amy asked as she sat down.

'Not really.' Katherine sighed. 'Every demon in here wants to kill witches so I don't know what they expect us to find.' She closed the book. Lauren and Dani were pouring coffee and Lisa had emerged from the basement.

'Lise, please go back to sleeping in your room.' Amy begged.

'Not until I can control myself.' Lisa said.

'But you've been fine.' Amy reminded her.

'And the one time you weren't Amy calmed you down.' Lauren said.

'We're not having this discussion.' Lisa sipped the coffee Dani put down in front of her. They heard the front door being unlocked and opened. Amy looked to the clock.

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