Chapter 18

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"I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy. I need somebody to heal." - Lewis Capaldi


The tunnel began to shake as they walked down it. Katherine lent on the wall for support and Amy clung onto Dani. 'What the hell?' Lisa asked as small pieces of tunnel fell around them. 

'Chris.' Amy said. She focused on her again and did not like what she felt. 'We need to get to her now.'

'Do you have any idea which direction to go in?' Lauren pleaded with Amy.

'No, not really. The connection feels a little stronger here, and that explosion sounded close.' Amy said. 'She must be nearby.'

'Let's keep moving.' Katherine said. She pushed herself away from the wall but the pain in her leg was getting worse. 'Shit!' She cried, putting weight on it and stumbling.

'Kath, let me heal you.' Amy said, hurrying to her side.

'We don't have time for this.' Katherine complained whilst Amy got to work.

'You won't be able to help anyone if you can't walk or you bleed to death.' Amy said firmly. 'Does anyone else need immediate healing?' She asked as the wound on Katherine's leg healed.

'No, we're fine.' Dani assured her. They continued walking for a little while, peering into every room they passed, until Lauren stopped them. Dani followed her line of sight and immediately ran forward. They saw Belial, hunched over Christina with one of his skeleton hands over her chest. His fingers had turned into needles and they had penetrated various points right under her neck. A blue light was radiating out from the edges of the wounds.

'Hey!' Dani yelled as she ran and swung an arm. Belial was off guard so the attack worked and he was thrown back across the room. They reached Christina and formed a protective barrier between her and Belial, Amy and Lauren kneeling to help whilst Dani, Lisa and Katherine formed the barricade.

'What was he doing to her?' Kathrine asked. Amy was studying the small puncture wounds, among the many others, before she lifted one of Christina's eyelids. They were swirling with blue.

'She got her power back.' Amy smiled slightly and then realised. 'And he was trying to take it.' She raised her hands and watched as they started to glow, healing the burns on her body first, then the punctures. Belial had gotten to his feet and was glaring at them.

'I almost had it.' He growled.

'Sorry.' Dani said. 'That powers not for sale.' He stared a moment before sending out an energy ball. Katherine put up her shield and deflected it back at him. He moved quickly out of the way and sent another blast which Dani veered in another direction.

'You won't get out of here alive.' He told them.

'We'll see about that.' Lisa stepped forwards and started to focus her power. The veins began to seep back up her arms and her eyes were filled with black once more. Belial stared at her, before he smiled.

'Looks like I picked the wrong sister all along.' He said, shooting energy towards her. Lisa's dark power formed around them like a bubble as his energy washed off of it.

'So much for foresight. You're going to die for good this time.' Lisa told him as she transformed the barrier into a stream of death magic. It hit him in the chest and started to fill him up. He laughed as the power took him over, seeping through the cracks in his bones and out through the holes of his eyes.

'Chris.' Amy shook her shoulders. 'Please wake up.' Amy said, looking back to Lisa. The wind began to pick up around them and Dani and Katherine huddled closer to Amy and Katherine. Christina was healed but still not awake. Katherine put up a small barrier to protect them from any flying debris. Lisa walked forwards to put more energy into Belial. The veins started to creep into her face as she moved towards him. He smiled at her one last time as he exploded from the inside. Katherine put her shield down as the air around them began to settle. The looked up to Lisa as she turned to them.

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