Toy Story Alien Hat and Brother Lover

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Steve Harvey panted as he stopped in the middle of the forest, sweat dripping from his shiny head.

"Pewdiepie... wait ... I can't run any longer..."

"Well what can we do? Walk whilst Edgar and his four Cronies pace the forest with us?"

Gulshan, floating above them, admired his lover's determination to push through even the most tiring of runs.

"It is true, Steve Harvey," Gulshan agreed. "Felix's four henchmen, Backpack Kid, Brian Diver, Shrek's transgender son Fergus and Alysha Derecourt are skimming the outskirts of the suicide forest we are currently invading right now."

"Wait-" Felix paused in his tracks and turned around to face his ghostly lover. "The Suicide Forest?"


Felix racked the deepest corners of his brain to try and remember a single mere fact about the forest. It was on the tip of his tongue, but thankfully, a cold, dead body fell from the nearest tree to help Felix out with his memory.

"LOGAN PAUL!!?11?!!1??" Gulshan and Steve Harvey exclaimed, gazing at the dead body in awe. Well, not as dead as they thought.

"Ayy Logang, what's popping?" Gulshan and Steve Harvey looked purly shocked, looking up to Felix for an explanation.

"This is the suicide forest Logan died in!" Felix explained to the two others.

"Indeed," Logan confirmed, and suddenly everything clicked into place. Logan was Edgar's 2nd cousin that they needed to get the szechuan sauce bottle off of, but the question was, how? Surely it would be harder than just asking.

"Logan, oh great Logan," Gulshan got down onto his knees and begged. "Please, sir, grant us with the szechuan sauce."

"I will," Logan agreed, causing everyone's faces to lift. "But on one condition." Then everyone's faces fell again.

"Whatever prince we have to pay, great Logan, we will do. Anything for your sauce, good sir."

"The price you have to pay is: you must tell me the reasoning of my death."

Felix knew this. He knew everything about his biggest rival's brother, but he couldn't exactly remember the precise reason Logan had taken his own life. But he was sure he could place the pieces together eventually.

"The clock is ticking, boys," Logan said, squeezing the ball on the end of the strings hanging down from his Toy Story 3 hat. "3,,,2,,,1,,,"

"WAIT!" Felix finally had a revolution. "Your brother lover Jake had just broken up with you. He was your true love and you never wanted to ever leave him. But he left you to try and win over the great Edgar. In your dank depression, you went into the suicide forest and drowned yourself in szechuan sauce."

Logan smiled widely with glee.

"Congratulations. You are correct, my sons." Logan smiled sadly and lifted up his Toy Story 3 hat and revealed the bottle of szechuan sauce. Throwing the bottle into Felix's hands, Logan crawled up a large fallen branch and returned to his hiding spot in the trees. The first task was done. But that was too easy, Felix thought. The next two must be near to impossible. Which they were.

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