The Jahcter

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Felix's body was limp and lifeless as it washed up onto the sand. Gulshan gasped as he noticed his lover's chest was not moving up and down like it was meant to. Gulshan dove down to give him CPR, but he remembered he was a ghost. His hands went right through him.

"Steve... help!" Gulshan pleaded. Steve got onto his hands and knees, pressing his soft lips against Felix's, pushing the delicious air residing in his strong lungs into Felix's, his prickly mustache tickling Felix's upper lip. Gulshan watched in horror. Pumping on Felix's chest a few times, Steve was losing hope. After one last passionate kiss, Steve decided to give up. Until Felix lurched forward, coughing and hacking up water, seaweed and... some orange orbs? Steve was beyond confusion, but Gulshan was over the moon, not only because of the love of his life being resurrected, but because he was aware of the power the orbs held.

"They're the dragon balls! We can wish upon them, anything!" he exclaimed, digging through the seaweed for all seven balls, arranging them in a perfect circle. "Oh, great dragon Shenron..."

Felix squealed with delight as the sky went dark and the dragon balls lit up before his eyes. All of a sudden, a great green dragon appeared from the sky, his red eyes staring down upon them. 

"I am the eternal dragon Shenron. I will grant you any wish. Now speak."

The boys looked at each other for help.

"What could we wish for to help us on this journey?" Steve inquired.

"We could wish for Edgar to-" Gushan began, before Felix jumped to his feet.

"I WANT A JAHCTER!!!!!11!!11!!!1!!!!!" Felix screamed towards dragon in the sky. The dragon's eyes lit up, and what could possibly fall from the sky, but an enormous helicopter with the eternal Jahseh Onfroy's face plastered all around it, his bicoloured dreadlocks in place of propellar blades.

Gulshan watched in horror as the dragon balls flung themselves in all directions, and the dragon vanished, just as Gulshan's hopes for the mission did.


Gulshan sat in the Jahcter looking angry for the majority of the trip to find the third and final szechuan sauce bottle. Felix and Steve Harvey helped each other drive the Jahcter around the sky, but they soon realized they were flying in circles and they had no real destination. They were soon giving up hope, and to top it all off, the fluffy white sea they were flying through turned black, and a treacherous storm started pelting down on them. They were struggling to stay in the air as the wind was getting too strong for them. Steve was honestly contemplating crashing and giving everyone a painless death while there was pretty much no hope, but then, like a sign from Pastor Charles, a beaken of light erupted from the ground.

"Follow that!" Felix cried. It was a struggle, but they navigated through the storm and floated next to the beaken, shining next to a house. 

The Team 10 house.

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