Madara A-Z headcannon game

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A~ aftercare { how they are after sex } 
• he likes to lay your head on his chest and run his fingers through your hair

B~ body part { their favorite body part on their body and their partner } 
• Madara really likes his hands, probably because he kills his enimes with them
• he likes your lips, he likes how thin and pink they are

C ~ cum { basically anything to do with it, yeah sorry } 
• his cum is thicker than regular people
• he likes to see it all over your breast

D~ dirty secret { pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs } 
• he likes when you look him in the eyes, when your giving him a blow job

E ~ experience { how experience are they?, Do they know what their doing? } 
• 10/10
• he knows exactly how to pleasure a woman, and he's damn good at it { I'll tell you this, he doesn't play fair }

F~ favorite position { do I really need to explain this one }
• he likes to fuck you in any position, as long as he can see your face
• but if he had to pick cowgirl

G~ goffy { are they more serious? Or are more goffy? }
• he's serious he dosen't play around, but he will chuckle if you make a cute noise

H~ hair { how is it down their? } 
• normal it's pretty clean and trim

I~ intimacy { how are they during this romantic moment? } 
• he would tell you sweet words and such { oddly I see him doing this }

J~ jack off { how many times do they beat their meat? } 
• not often but he does best his meat at least once a week

K ~ kink { what are they into? } 
• bitting, bondage, gags { I'll tell you this, he's one kinky mother fucker, like for reals he doesn't hold back }

L~ location { where do they like to do it? } 
• in the bedroom against the wall

M~ motivation { what turns them on? } 
• seeing you beg him to dick you down, or in something reveling

N~ NO { something they will not do no matter what }
• knife play, or daddy kink he hates that kink

O~ oral { do they like receiving or giving oral? }
• likes to gives, but loves to receive

P~ pace { are they slow and gentle, or fast and rough? }
• rough and hard but will slow down if you ask

Q~ quickies { what's their opinion on quickies, do they like them? }
• there ok
• he usual does them if he's horny and had something to do

R~ risk { are they going to experience?, Are they willing to take risks? }
• yes
• he going to be bringing in some surprises

S~ stamina { how have many rounds are they willing to go, how long do they last for }
• two three rounds but always make the first one counts

T~ toys { do they enjoy using them?, Do they like using them on their partner or themselves }
• dosen't really likes them but likes to use vibrators

U~ unfair { do they like to tease? }
• I'm sorry is this even a question, heck yeah he loves to tease you

V~ volume { how loud are they, what kind of noises do they make? } 
• dosen't really like to make much noise, but he will groan

W~ wild card { pick a random headcannon for the character of your choice } 
• he likes how your warm mouth feels around his member, he loves to run his fingers through your locks while you do this

X~ x-ray { what's going on underneath those pants, describe it no pictures please }
• eight inches daddy Madara is big and he's pretty thick

Y~ yearning { how high is their sex drive }
• normal sex about three to two times a week

Z~ Zzz....{ How long does it take them to fall asleep }
• he likes to fall asleep once you fall asleep

Well here's Madara hope you guys like, up next is obito also two lemons on the way

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