Fugaku~ you look so pretty, and I love this view

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" Happy birthday fugaku!! " Minato Yelled holding out a little blue gift bag and smiling like an idiot. Fugaku looks at the blonde, " do you always have to be so loud? " The brunette spoke as he took the bag from the other. " Sorry it's just your birthday and I'm excited for you, I mean you have the house to yourself. Knowing you you're throwing a small party for yourself " minato spoke.

" Duh, but only my friends can come my parents can come back any minute which I doubt. But I don't explain why a bunch and f kids are in the house drinking and smoking " fugaku spoke. " Sup bitch! " Hiashi spoke as he slapped his back causing fugaku to glare at him, " I said to stop doing that!! " He yells.

" Where hoe, here I got you a gift " he spoke tossing him a little baggie of weed. " You idiot, you can't go flashing this around! " Fugaku yells hiding it. " He makes a point Anki, happy birthday fugaku " hizashi spoke handing him a little box. " Thank you hizashi and he does, what if a teacher saw you dumbass " fugaku spoke. " Whatever, be glad I got you something " Hiashi Spoke.

" Happy birthday fugaku! " Yells a familiar red head with a raven next to her. " Hey kushina and mikoto " fugaku spoke, " so you throwing a party? " Mikoto Spoke, " yup and it's just the six of here are invited " fugaku spoke. " Oh, you aren't going to invite your little crush?~ " kushina teased, fugaku blushes. " I doubt she'd want to come, she's a goody good if you don't remember, plus I can't even talk to the poor girl " fugaku spoke.

" I say you go for it, come on fugaku. What do you have to loose? " Minato Spoke. Fugaku was hesitant, " come on, look here she comes " kushina spoke. All six saw you walking into the halls, they saw you trying your best to avoid talking to anyone and get to class. Mikoto push fugaku towards you, you both bump into each other.

" Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going " you spoke picking up your books, " it's fine, here let me help you " fugaku spoke. Once you pick up your books you look at him, " I heard it's your birthday, happy birthday fugaku-kun " you spoke he blushes a bit. " Uh thanks " he spoke, " I actually got you something " you spoke, causing all six to look at you confused.

You put your books down, you open your backpack up and pull out a little plastic container. " I made these last night, I hope you enjoy these " you spoke. He opens the container and sees there chocolate chip cookies and he blushes a bit, " thank you (y/n) " he spoke. " No problem, I better head to class " you spoke picking up your books.

" Wait!, Look I know you're a very social person but I'm having a party tonight. It's only going to be me and like five other people. I was wondering if you'd like to come, if not I understand that " fugaku spoke. " That sounds nice, I'd love to come " you spoke. " Really?!, I mean cool. My place it starts at eight " he spoke. " Sounds like a plan, I'll see you around " you spoke and walk away.

" See I told you to ask her " Hiashi Spoke, " she's coming, yes! " He spoke smiling like an idiot.


The party had started an hour ago and fugaku saw you still weren't there, he was beginning to think you'd never show up. Till there was a knock on the door, fugaku was quick and went to open the door causing the other to laugh a bit. He saw you a blushes a bit, you wire a long sleeved dark red and black stripped shirt, you wore a nice plan black shirt that reached four or five inches above your knees and black leggings and some black Chuck's. You had your (h/l) (h/c) down, " sorry I'm late you didn't give me your address so I had to text a couple people till I got one of your guys numbers " you spoke. " Soiler alert it was me! " Kushina yells from across the room, ' of course I was too caught up in the moment I forgot to give her my address ' he thought.

" Sorry about that, please come in " he spoke stepping aside, you walk in and he shuts the door behind you happy you were finally there. You saw alcohol and Hiashi and kushina smoking, " hey you're here " mikoto spoke. Fugaku totally forgot they were doing this, he didn't know how'd you react, shit you might even tell on them. You just simply sit on the couch, not caring about what they were doing.

" Hey you want to take a hit? " Hiashi Spoke, " you idiot you're not even sur- " minato soon gets cut off. " No I'm fine,I got my own " you spoke pulling something from behind your ear which was a joint. All were shocked, " wait, hold up. What are you doing with drugs?! " Hizashi spoke. " I live in a household where my cousin expose it to me all the time, they even offered to smoke me out. I was bound to try it at some point " you spoke.

" Shit awesome " Hiashi Spoke, fugaku didn't know why but you suddenly got more hotter. The party went on with all you guys talking and playing stupid games, they figured out so much they didn't know about you. You were pretty chill and had quite the vocabulary which none of them expected. Soon everyone began to leave, soon it was only you, fugaku and mikoto.

" I'm heading out, see you guys Monday " mikoto spoke, before she left she mouthed ' get some ' to fugaku. He blushes and soon it was only the two of you, " well we should clean up, wouldn't want to do that first thing in the morning " you spoke. He looks at you, " uh, right " he spoke, you both began to clean but he couldn't help but just stare at you.

Once done you look over at him, " so tell me fugaku what's the real reason you invited me over? " You spoke. " Huh? " He spoke, " fugaku I've noticed you started to act strange around me a while back. So tell me do you like me or do you hate me? " You spoke. This caused fugaku to choke on his sliva, " cause I got to tell you something " you spoke walking up to him, till you were about four inches apart.

" I love you " you spoke and lean in to kiss him, he was surprised but kisses you back. You soon pull away and look at him, " so tell me fugaku, is it a or b? " You spoke looking into his eyes. " A, I love you (y/n) " he spoke before pulling you into a kiss.

Ay what you guys think? So many of you guys didn't know it was fugaku's birthday today which I expected, I actually had a bombass lemon planed but I forgot it. So I came up with this, if you want a part two tell me, anyways sorry for not updating but I'm planning on updating. The next update will be an itaizu lemon which may or may not involve pegging. Till next time and happy birthday to my lovely sexy fugaku uchiha!
~ pikatachi 🤗 


Word count: 1227

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