chapter 13

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The next morning

Jesse's POV

"Man my Head hurts Rosie where is she?" I said.

"Jess you know how absinthe makes you weird? Well, you hit Rosie last night." Marco said.

"Shit I don't even remember half of what happened last night I mean I Remember laying in bed with her and her singing time of my life form dirty dancing to me but then it's just banked me. I can't believe I hit her. She's the best thing that ever happened to me and I fucked up." I said. Suddenly feeling rather sober.

"Mate you can't think like that didn't you notice you're in clean clothes with a face cloth on your head or that There's a glass of Barroca by your bedside I think you've got a lot to make up for but you have definitely not completely fucked up mate," Marco said.

"Thanks, Bra," I said taking a sip then there was a knock at the door It was Rosie.

"Hey!" I said signaling her to sit down on the bed.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" Rosie asked hesitantly sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah, thanks for taking care of me even if I was half asleep for most of it," I said

"No problem Jesse," Rosie said giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I'm surprised you're even talking to after what I did last night is that from me?" I said noticing her eye was black.

"Nah from the guy that kicked me in the face and last night it wasn't your fault Marco told me about how absinthe makes you act, you weren't you at all," Rosie said.

"I know but that doesn't give me an excuse I still shouldn't have hit you or addressed you so in such a derogative way. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Roe and I couldn't imagine how I would react if had lost you. Really, Rosie, I've honestly had the time of my life with you and I no longer fear dying because I already know what heaven is like when I look at you. I'm so sorry I hurt you, Roe, you're the last person I would internationally mean to hurt and I know this might not make up for everything but..." I said when Rosie cut me off with a hug and a kiss.

"Oh Jesse that's exactly what I was trying to tell you last night I'm honestly Truly Madly Deeply, foolishly completely falling in love with you and I know you'd never mean to hurt me that's why when I was asked what I felt the safest place for an English paper my answer was your arms because honestly there's no place I feel safer," Rosie said looking me in the eyes with a look that told me all was forgiven.

"I love you so much Rosie, I know there's still two weeks until our months anniversary but how about I take you to Max Brenner when we get back to Sydney," I said.

"I'd love to wait I don't think I can, I told Mason, Lachie and Jas we'd catch up and play Mario Karts and I know what you thinking Mason and I are just friends he likes Kaye anyway and Lachie he and Jas are practically a couple anyway," Rosie said.

"Alright well, I'll pick you up at 3," I said momentarily forgetting about my hangover.

"Na uh Jesse Pollock you are in no fit state to drive," Rosie said giving me her best I'm telling you off face.

"You have a point can I Just sleep at yours till then?" I asked giving her my best puppy face.

"Yeah, you can do that I'll drive us home," Rosie said kissing me.

"Woah sorry mate didn't realize was what I was walking into I'll go now," Marco said.

"Aww someone made up," Tessa said. "Anyway breakfast is ready."

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