chapter 12 food and trouble for Rosie

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Azza is Jas' mum's partner how did I not know this it made sense though as I'd never met Jas' Dad and most of the time when I was sleeping over at Jas' her mum wasn't there and her brother Simon was loosely looking after her. But I'm guessing whatever their situation was Jas didn't really know her dad either she said there were a few photos of her and him during her first couple of years then boom he vanished. I then snapped back into reality.

"Sorry Jas' mum and Azza," I said.

"I know that's a lot to process look Jas' Dad wasn't a very nice man It took a lot of convincing from Bobby and us boys and Simon kinda took the brunt of it being 8 at the time and has been set on protecting her ever since Azza's really been the best thing that Jo could pick relationship wise. So in short Jas could be your half stepsister." Bisho said. "And Jo, like you're mum, is like a sister to many of us boys."

"That's pretty sweet actually thanks for clearing that up with me," I said.

"No problem, we've been watching you surf pretty well every time you've been down here your really good," Bisho said.

"Thanks, My uncle reckons it's pretty much in my blood," I said.

"I'll bet did your mum still surf," Bisho asked.

"She used too until Depression took its full course," I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rosie," Bisho said.

"I only miss her when I'm breathing it all right it's not like you could have done anything," I said.

"Yeah, you're right so Dean tells me you're a pretty mean ocean swimmer," Bisho said.

"Yeah, I actually have a meet tonight," I said.

"Good luck, bring home some medals champ," Bisho said as Jesse returned with an FTW Tank top and a pair of trackies, which were the stringy kind.

"Thanks, babe can I go shower now." taking off my vomit drenched clothes and popping them in the sink.

"Yep, I'll see if we have a bag for your clothes," Jesse said.

And I Went off to the showers briefly and returned in my training gear and put Jesse's clothes on.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Why is it that girls look so much better in guy clothes than we do?" Bisho asked.

"Be careful Bish that your possible daughter," Jesse said.

"Thanks for the clothes babe do any of you guys know where I can find Dean? I need to remind him about tonight"

"I think he's working north end with Jake," Bisho said.

"I'll take you, Ro, I get off soon and I could use some Rosie time," Jesse said.

"Oh, your just too good to be true can't take my eyes off of you," I said.

"Your just like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much," Jesse said holding me in his arms.

"Young love, come on I'll take you both," Dean said.

"Dean did they arrive?" I asked.

"Yep David dropped them to me today there in my car lets go," Deano said.

I'm not going to bore you with every detail about the comp partly because I was so full of adrenaline that I don't really remember much until I woke up on Jesse on the couch. But I Do remember my medals 10 of them gold for all my 50 silver for all my 100 and bronze for 200 all in all not bad but I mildly overslept and woke up half an hour before Clubbies started.

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