Chapter 8: Troubled waters?

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"Do you want to explain what happened in there?" Jesse asked."I just can't believe mum messed up what could have potentially been her dream obviously recked some friendships along the way.  I'm angry she didn't tell me she had been in contact with one of my possible dads and never told me." I said." I wouldn't be too hard on your mum when Dean and I talked to Hoppo, Hoppo said that for what your mum lacked in the relationship level she loved kids and looking them and she loved you," Jesse said."Loved me what kind of mother hits her own daughter you know its like the second I became old enough to have my own opinions its like she would fight with me just because I didn't like her new boyfriend or whoever she was hanging out with, now you understand why I feel frustrated that she kept in contact with Bisho yet she wouldn't take me to see him or even tell me where he was," I said. sobbing into Jesse."Your mum was depressed she probably didn't mean half the things she was doing to you but I know that's no excuse but no one's mum is perfect," Jesse said"I know I just want my old mum back but I'll never get her will I?" I said. "I'm worried I'm going to turn in to her.""Maybe your mum wanted you to live the life she couldn't have and to be the better her," Jesse said. "Just because you look like your mum doesn't mean you'll end up like her you only have to take on the bits of your mum you really want to and you'll find your dad how about when we get home we open up some of that Messina's ice-cream we brought." "You always know just what to say, Jesse," I say giving him a cuddle. when I got home Jesse and I did an hour or so of watching scrubs and the Simpsons whilst we ate Messina's ice-cream we were only interrupted by Ellie coming home form her YATZ/ RSPCA volunteering. "Hey, Ellie." We said in unison."Hey, Ro um David wants you to ring him," Ellie said, I get up and ring him.***"Hello," David said."Hey David I was actually about to call you before Ellie told me to tell you I'm going to join the club swim team," I said."That's awesome we have training tonight and tomorrow. the morning session have to bring My kid brother along he's not much of a swimmer but its really good for his shoulder recovery so I'm sorry if he's grumpy," David said."That's ok, I guess I'll have clubbies straight after," I said."Yes I know that's a lot after today but I'm really hoping to get through the rescue section by the end of the week," David said."Oh cool look I can't come tonight as I've got rock climbing I can't really miss it because it counts for my Dukeofed," I explained."It's ok we tend to make the weekend sessions optional Enjoy climbing those rocks," David said."Oh, I will Jesse's coming with me this time," I said."Bye Rosie," David said.***"Jesse Do you want to stay for dinner?" Lilli asked."Yes if you're sure It wouldn't be trouble," Jesse said."Trouble it's no trouble Ellie's having Maxi over for dinner before their movie date so your welcome to stay as well," Lilli said."Lilli you are the best," I said. "No problem Rosie," Lili said.After dinner, Jesse and I went to the rock climbing place for our session. the Guy running the class remarked on how much more confident I was getting and how much more efficient I was in my rock climbing. I was pretty tired by the time we got home so I said goodbye to Jesse and hit the sacks pretty well as soon as I got into bed. ***Swim Training The next morning. Woke up at 6:00 am it was completely worth it to catch the sunrise on Bondi with Jesse before beginning swim training again at 7. but when I got to the pool there was someone there that I wasn't expecting to see there. "Rosie so Glad you could make it this is My kid brother Mason," David said."I believe I've met Mason before," I said."Well, I'll meet you in the pool when you're ready," David said."So Mason do you stand up every date you have? Or am I just special?" I said."I know I handled the situation really badly but Abi and I have history and she was really upset and I didn't mean to two time, anyone," Mason said. "Two time you're so full of your shit. She can't blame everything on mental illness she probably gave you glandular fever and you really hurt me," I said."I know I'm so..." Mason began to say but I cut him off."What sorry? you know what Mason I actually kind of need to thank you if you hadn't have stood me up I wouldn't be with Jesse right now so thank you." I said "Just next time tell me you don't want to rather than stand me up then avoid me for a month,""I know as I've said before I handled it really badly but I honestly wasn't avoiding you I dislocated my shoulder had glandular fever and was sick for a good two weeks I wanted To talk to you and straighten things out but I honestly couldn't I was either catching up on work I missed or having my Cricket coach Yell at me because he really needed me for games," Mason said."Glandular fever? Omg, she gave you the Kissing disease." I said bursting out laughing. "Indeed she did is that not punishment enough." Mason said."I'm really happy you and Jesse are finally together I must admit I was kind of surprised you said yes to me in the first place I was dead sure I'd lost you when I saw you kissing on the beach," "He had to work things out but were ok now, OK maybe I only said yes to make him jealous." I sheepishly admitted. "Am I forgiven because I kind of thought maybe we could be mates?" Mason said."Sure and I'll race you to the water, come on I'll show you how much fun swimming is," I said. taking off my top revealing my Sporkini I had on underneath. "Come on Davidson we don't have all day!" David Yelled."Coming Coach," I said running well as fast as you can at a pool without slipping. I had swum a good 200 meters before Mason joined me."Took you long enough," I said."Hey, no fair I didn't know you already had your bathers on," Mason said."I'm a girl I need every advantage I can get but since I'm feeling nice First one to complete 200m IM style wins," I said. "Deal," Mason said. "321 go!" David said. I finished it all in 2 minutes and forty seconds which was good considering I hadn't swum in a while. which also happened to be a good minute before Mason."Wow you were fast, Also did you read the board and figure out that I was having you guys do 200 meters IM For warm-ups?" David asked. "Well, when I used to train we started with 200 IM," I said slightly Puffed. "How. Are. you. not. more. puffed. than. I am." Mason said."If you mess with fire you get burnt," I said and Mason just looked at me confused "Oh mason you should know not to mess with Rosie by now She's Victoria's 16 and under champ," David said." How could you not tell me that," Mason said."How could you not notice Mr. G always let me have my own lane during swimming?" I said"Oh I thought it was because you couldn't swim straight," Mason said "Well, that and the fact that I swim so fast that I'd practically be on top of who every was swimming with me I ahem a little bit of a overturn problem due to dislocating my shoulder last year." "We can work on that work on that but first one 100 meters Free 50 meters fly and Mason take it easy we just got that shoulder back in we don't want it out again," David said.about 200 meters in to the freestyle David had decided to add an extra 400 meters IM rather this frustrated me and a few of the others but I guess Dave was trained to know when to love us and when to push us before we knew it our hour training session was over and I had to go set up shop with luke before clubbies at 930 for notionally 2 hours but it was really busy so we ended up not finishing patrol until just in time for me to make one o'clock lunch with Jesse, unfortunately, I when i turned to my phone I had 3 missed calls from luke."Hey Louie I'm so sorry for not picking up clubbies went on an hour later than anticipated due to the massive crowd at Bondi today I meant to call you to say id be an hour late I'm kinda at lunch with Jesse," I said."It's ok this job is meant to be casual for you I was calling you to say that since you helped me set up you could have an artistic afternoon hang on it's Jesse's last day off this week today, isn't it? Look have the afternoon off and come help me pack up at say 5:30." Louie said."Thank you so much, Louie." I said."Guess who doesn't have work until 5:30." "No way I have the perfect plan but first eat your salad," Jesse said. I finished my salad and managed to convince Jesse to let me shower before we went anywhere I put on my daisy dress and varsity jacket and put my hair into a high ponytail and I got a Facebook notification saying Jesse Pollock says he's in a relationship with you which I accepted. "You don't have to wear something nice every date you know Rosie," Jesse said."I know but I  wanted to match your casualness and didn't want you to mistake me for a fish," I said."That is completely untrue but we better run because, that's our bus," Jesse said. and we literally ran like the winds, we caught the bus to circular key and caught a ferry to a mysterious place and I mean mysterious because Jesse wouldn't let me look at the signs but i did work out that we might have been in some kinda park near the opera house and bridge."Wow, Jesse this is amazing But um where are we?" I said giving Jesse a kiss."The royal botanical gardens of course," Jesse said."You do realize that this is heaven for me I can get so many floral designs for Luke and I can get the perfect scene for my Monet piece draft," I said"I love it here too it's like you could get lost here for hours don't worry I packed a mini picnic so once you find a place to sit and draw,  we can eat," Jesse said."Um have I ever mentioned that you're the best boyfriend ever!" I said."You may have once or twice but only the best for my Princess Rosalina," Jesse said." aww 143 and I know this might sound super touristy but we simply must get someone to take our pic in front of the bridge and opera house," I said. "At least it's not in front of the opera house," Jesse said."Oh Were getting that one next date." I half-joked or did I half joke. "Oh who said there's going to be another date," Jesse said."Well, 40 likes on our relationship post don't lie. I said mock hurt."I'm kidding I love you too much to let you go, Ro," Jesse said."Alright anyway let's walk over to that patch of grass over there," I said."Oh, the one near the bed of roses?" Jesse said.

"I want to lay you down in a bed of roses For tonight I sleep on a bed of nails." I sang

"I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is And lay you down on a bed of roses" Jesse sung." Kerbox would be impressed, He loves Bonjovi."

"As do I I love jon Bon Jovi LIVING ON A PRAYER.!" I said then Jesse suddenly kissed me

"We have to cut it out it's getting too rowdy," Jesse said.

"What doesn't everyone love a bit of bonjo?" I asked."Yeah but we don't want anyone to think were hosting a Bon Jovi concert at least not until you, Maxi, Ellie and I get our cover band Bondi-Jovi together," Jesse said. as we sat down on a rug."True dat," I said. As I began to sketch the bed of roses. and took a photo about an hour or so later Jesse sat back down with a basket."Your an amazing artist Ro it almost looks like a photo," Jesse said."No am not it's not even finished yet," I said"Yes, you are!." Jesse said Picking me up and I spread my arms out like a bird."Now say you're a bird," Jesse said."If you're a bird I'm a bird," I said and we fell to the ground with laughter to anyone else we would have looked insane but to us, we just looked normal."Keep it G rated you two some of us are actually here to look at the flowers". Maxi said."Ellie, Maxi!" I said. "Someone watched the notebook last night," Ellie said.'We'll we'd both never seen it and Channel 9 was playing it," Jesse said."Anyway, where were you during Clubbies this morning Ellie?" I asked."I had 3 hour Dance practice followed by one hour Physio then a date with maxi and I did your one yesterday," Ellie said."Yeah, we took a ferry to manly Had to get Ellie's mood back up," Maxi said."Oh no, today's was the final trials for Melbourne wasn't it?" I asked. "Yes and Guess what? Kaye Got in She's leaving at the end of the year." Ellie said."What about Becca?" I Asked."Got in but is waiting to see how her NIDA audition turns out." Ellie said half crying."You know you'll always have me and Jas," I said."Besides I read in the Sydney morning herald that there's one opening up in Sydney under the NIDA umbrella maybe you can audition for it you can't give up," Maxi said."There's no point My leg will never be well enough to audition you know I spent half of my dance practice crying," Ellie said."Hey you'll be ok and Kyle said you were doing so much better today than he's seen you the whole time he's had you," Maxi said."How do you know Maxi? you didn't hear the things the other girls said you didn't hear the things the teachers say about how I'm stupid and how I'll never get my self back up to speed. and don't say it's going to be alright and that I'm not as bad as I think I am because I know your only saying it because you're my boyfriend." Ellie said crying "I'm not saying you're going to be alright or that you're not as bad as you think," Maxi said as tears streamed down Ellie's face.A/N: is this the end of Ellaxi ? is there going to be a break-up. I guess you have to wait until I put the next chapter up. I am so incredibly sorry about not updating in over a month I guess I've just had a severe batch of writer's block and I've kinda just got back into writing after a mental holiday from technology. I'm also sorry about the multiple updates I'm just fixing my formatting up a bit and checking all chapters have all the correct bits in them. Love you Guys lots Kat xx

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