chapter 3: part2

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The next day I woke up checked my phone a had a few more followers and lots of people liked my artwork but there was one comment that grasped my attention more than another @Rosiemeredith was my best friend when she went to Balwlen high miss her so much good to see she's still drawing xx. This was Veronica 'Roni' Willis she was the furthest thing from my 'best friend' she was a horrible girl to me back then and still is now on the one photo I had posted she had commented what happened to your mum Ro? Did she die or did she just decide to finally give up and abandon you? That at the time was the worst thing anyone could possibly say to me Roni was what Alex would later explain to me as a wannabe who was so insecure about herself that she had no other options but to bring down people who were better off than her.

I slipped on placed my hair in a high pony tale hoping to go a walk to clear my head for bit I bumped into Dean on my way out.

"So I take it this Roni girl isn't your best friend?" Dean said noticing my tears. I just showed him my phone and said. "Far from it so far from it best friend is a particle on what she is." I replied. "I saw that's just horrible what she did." Dean said.

"The sad thing is that isn't the worst thing she's done anyway is it all right if I go for a walk to clear my head?" I asked.

"Have some breakfast first." Dean said. Breakfast was hands down one of the best breakfasts I've had in along time coconut-milk overnight oats with strawberries, raspberries and blue berries, fresh orange juice and toasted Banana bread which Lili assured me they don't normally have but she can be a bit of a stress baker and felt I needed the extra energy. I then plugged my ear buds in and began my walk I had only initially planed to walk from Tama to Bronte and only realized just how far I had walked when I almost walked into Jesse.

"Hey Rosie, What are you doing in Maroubra?" Jesse said ever so slightly looking down.

"Maroubra? I had no idea I'd walked that far I guess I just really needed fix my headspace." I said.

"Saw what that girl commented on Instagram hope you haven't let it effect you to badly people like that aren't worth it." Jesse said still staring down.

"Thanks for the support Jess what are you looking at?" I asked looking down then I realized that my ever so slightly oversized Nike top had slipped down while I was walking/running and Jesse and anyone who bothered to look could see my pink multi shaded bra so I just took it off and I am sure I went an ever so slight shade of crimson. "Oh I didn't realize that it's a bit big for me now."

"It's alright No one cares around here," Jesse said. "Alright if walk you home?"

"I would like that very much adrenaline got me here all right but I think I might get lost on my way back." I said.

Jesse and I first stopped of at The Pavilion overlooking Maroubra Beach for what Jesse called a refueling chocolate banana smoothie then walked until we got to Bronte we walked down to the water.

Jesse took of his shirt and said. "We should go for a swim!"

"What now Your crazy." I said earning a splash from Jesse.

"Come on you're already wet, there's hardly anyone on the beach the only people that can see us are lifeguards and that's kind of their job." Jesse said

"Just let me put my stuff down first." I said putting my stuff down and I ran and got pulled down to towards him. I emerged again grinning from ear to ear.

"What you smiling at?" Jesse asked.

"Nothing really its just I could get used to this." I said as Jesse playfully pulled me down again we swam for a while and then went back in I asked a near by jogger to take a picture of me and Jesse and uploaded it to Instagram with the caption to new beginnings swim and a walk with this crazy guy #ithinkimgonnalikeithere with @jessepollock.

"So have you seen much of Sydney?" Jesse asked.

"Not really I've seen more in the past 24 hours than I have in the just over a month I've been here not really much time to do much in between families and all that other mess.

"Do you mind if I take a photo of you?" Jesse asked.

"Aww! thank you" I said. Taking one of him back. "This ones getting sketchified." Jesse and I spent most of the rest of the walk home talking about footy and a few other things perhaps it was fate that I walked all the way to Maroubra I certainly wouldn't have had nearly as much fun if I hadn't and bonding with Jesse defiantly wasn't a bad way to lift my mood

"About time you made it home." Dean said.

"Sorry Deano its my fault she walked all the way to Maroubra so I thought I'd walk her home so she didn't I guess we lost track of time sorry." Jesse explained

"It's ok Jesse and I'm glad you're making friends here Rosie now go shower so we can go see Ellie." Dean said.

I can not tell you how good it was to actually have a warm shower and one where I could have the bathroom for as long as needed with out being interrupted it was bliss. Showered and put on id=130843625. We then left to go visit Ellie.


At the hospital.

Dean was out of the room talking to doctors so Ellie and I were completely alone

"Ok so I really want to double French braid your hair." Ellie said signaling for me to pull the chair closer to her and sit.

"I would love it if you did that." I said

"So How was your walk this morning?" Ellie asked.

"Which one technically I had two of them." I said.

"Both of them well only the interesting parts." Ellie said

"Well not much happened on the first one until I nearly literally ran into Jesse at Maroubra I swear it was fate the only slightly awkward thing was that he kept looking down until I realize that my over sized tank top has slid down so I am essentially showing the whole of Maroubra my sports Bra. I decide to ditch the top all together. Then Jesse offers to walk me home." I say. "But first we have to stop at The Pavilion for an energy re-boost. Then we then walked and talked until we got to Bronte. Jesse and I have a mini water fight before he manages to coax me into the water for a swim. We swim and play in the water for a while then I get a tourist to take a photo of us and we walk and talk until were home." I said. Explaining to her what had happened

"That sounds amazing Ro you had a notebook moment there with the whole you're crazy, you're already wet situation." Ellie said. "Well while you were having your walk I had a lifeguard moment too."

"Ooo El! Do tell." I said.

"Well while you were walking twenty kilometres maxi dropped by.... we talked for a while he said I was looking better today he didn't ask for his shirt back because he it'll give him an excuse to drop by tomorrow or when I'm at home." Ellie said telling me all about her maxi moment.

"19" I corrected "YOU AND MAXI NEED TO GET A ROOM!" I said exited just as Deano entered the room

"Who and Maxi need to get a room?" Dean said.

"Dad! OH we were just saying Jesse and maxi need to get a room." Ellie covered.

"Messe Pollockwell best bromance of 2012 FTW." I half yelled.

"Well anyway the doctors said that if all goes well they hope to have you out of bed tomorrow and home tomorrow afternoon. and Rosie and I will be right here when they do." Dean said.

"That is Amazing news Dean." I said and we all talked for a bit until Dean had to go pick up some more food for Ellie from home leaving Ellie and I to watch season 2 of Beauty and the Geek Australia. at that second my phone beeped

It was a Instagram notification from Jesse What a beauty and I'm not just talking about the ocean amazing walk this morning with @Rosiemeredith. I sat back and smiled.

A/N: Couldn't wait any longer to put this chapter up I hope you liked it may be a while until the next chapter comes up as I'm trying to finish up a blue water high story as well as getting another chapter of my other BR fan fiction Bondi knightly but hopefully they shouldnt take to long as shouldn't be too long until the next chapters done its done Kat xx

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