chapter 2 hospital times

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"Have you guys been out on flat rock?" The lifeguard who wasn't Jesse asked.

"We're teenagers you can tell us no as much as you like we're only going to hear go Maxi," Kaye said.

"What's eating you, Rosie?" Jesse asked noticing how quiet I was being.

"It's Ellie she got smashed against the rocks and she hurt her foot really badly we would have taken her to you guys but she's in a lot of pain so we just put her up against the surf club," I said.

"Bondi central Box we're going to flat rock there's a kid really badly hurt up there," Maxi said. "Copy, that let me know if you want Ben to come up as well." "Copy that." And we walked up to the surf club.

"Ellie, can you tell me what happened?" Maxi asked her.

"I got dragged along the rocks then my foot got caught on one of the rocks and I felt it pop and ah it hurts so so much," Ellie said beginning to panic and boy was she shaking.

"Box we need Ben and an ambo it looks like it might be a dislocated ankle and compound fibula fracture and she's in a ton of shock, Jess is going to treat the other girls in the surf club but get Ben up here ASAP and call an ambo" maxi said "Its ok, just breathe with me in out in out."

Inside the surf club

"So what happened?" Jesse asked us.

"The initial plan was to do some cliff base jumping but we just got knocked over and obviously we came off second best to flat rock," Kaye said.

"So where did you get hurt Rosie?" asked Jesse as we walked

"She's a little embarrassed about it," Kaye said.

"I'll close the door for you guys if you like," Jesse said.

"I kind of got dragged right along my behind," I said showing him my but and back.

"Get on the bed silly and I'll patch you up." Jesse said "Wow that is actually pretty impressive, and don't worry your bum isn't the worst bum I've ever seen, I'm just going to clean up and the blood around it so I can see how bad it is. "

"Ooo that stings," I said.

"Almost done I'll put a band-aid on the left side as its slightly deeper and then I'll move on to your back." Jesse said putting a Band-Aid on and some sort of powder on my but and cleaned up my back."

"Thank you so much Jesse," I said putting on my outfit minus the jacket as it was too hot

"No problem you girls are lovely girls we should see how maxis getting along with Ellie," Jesse said heading back to the beach.

"Ellie my names Ben I'm a lifeguard and paramedic down here can I look at your foot. Wow, that is something." Ben said taking a picture so he could show the paramedics. "You'll have to get X-rays to confirm any fractures but to me, it looks like you've got a dislocation to your ankle and a compound fractured Fibula." Ellie was still crying and shaking.

"I I I'm a da-dancer what am I going to do now," I said.

"She's right, we have tryouts for dance academy in 2 weeks and that's going to take at least 6 plus some," Becca said.

"Hey she can still make the end of year tryouts," Kaye said.

"Wow, she's really shaking like a leaf," Ben said noticing her shaking. "As much good as maxi seems to be doing for you Ellie I think we need to give you something a bit stronger than tender love and care maxi do you want to give her the green whistle?"

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