Boring old high school (intro)

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(A/N quick warning I am no writer so if spelling and grammar errors trigger you I would not suggest reading this story😂. I apologize in advance)
      ~Hanna's   POV~
   Yeah I know what you're expecting me to say...You are expecting me to tell you about how I'm the head cheerleader and about how i fell in love with the quarterback and won the title of prom queen as the school cheered my name. Well here's the thing, that's actually quite the opposite of my life.

    Now that I've made my point I guess you are probably waiting for me to explain the reality of my life right? Here goes nothing, Hi my name is Hanna; Hanna King. I am NOT head cheerleader or prom queen. I'm actually not popular at all. I go to Danika High school where cliques of prissy rich girls thrive and anyone different drowns in a pool of judgement and standards not met. As for me, I'm one of these not so popular "Different" people. I don't have very many friends...actually I don't have any friends, but it never really bothered me because I promised myself to focus on school before friends. I spend my days studying and reading while other students run around partying with their friends.
Of course my social experiment of a school has to have a HBIC right? In this case the role was awarded to Leilani Wilson, the Paris Hilton wannabe of this hell hole *que the eye roll*. Leilani and I actually used to be friends back in middle school, but once she decided a nerd like me wasn't good enough for her, I was dropped quicker than the beat on a blackbear song (A/N yesssssss). She pretty much runs the school along with all of her spoiled plastic friends. Also let's not forget the classic bad boys, The group is lead by our very own quarter back, Benjamin Clay *double eye roll*. I have hated Benjamin for as long as I can remember which is basically MY ENTIRE LIFE! He is incredibly full of himself and gets with a new girl every week. Oh and Let's not exclude his incompetent minion Danny and Max. I have never seen Danny speak more than a word or look at someone in the eyes for more than 3 seconds. He isn't as bad as Benjamin, but is still a royal pain is the a**. Now Max on the other hand is the airhead of all airheads. By what I have observed he never shuts up and he never seems to understand what's going on. Those are the 2 major cliques, but there are plenty more including the art hoes, the theatre kids, the music nerds, the lazy kids, etc.

Now you are probably wondering what group I fit into. The thing is, I don't have a group. I sit alone at lunch and I don't hangout with my friends after school (mostly because the only friend I have is my cousin Bailey). I do well in school and pay attention in class unlike most kids. I guess I've just never really fit in which is why I get picked on. If I'm not being pushed around and being made fun of, then I'm completely invisible to other students. And that's how I ended up here, in my boring old high school.
(A/N that's it for chapter one! I know it's not much and it's just the beginning, but I am working on writing part 2 currently so I hope you enjoy this introduction for now)

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