Just another day in paradise

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~Hanna's POV~
(A/N ok I promise there will be more of Benjamin's POV soon🤞🏻😂 also here's another song yay)
I woke up on the floor of Bailey's living room. I looked around me to see popcorn scattered everywhere and Bailey half off the couch asleep. I groaned before getting up and adjusting her so she wouldn't fall. I checked my phone to see what time it was when I remembered I had school today and I was going to be late! I jumped up and grabbed my bag running out the door. I rushed to my house which just so happened to be down the street. I bolt up my staircase not worrying about the noise because my parents are never home, but that's a story for a different day. I threw on the first thing that caught my eye and ran a brush through my curly hair as I tossed it up into a bun. I ran out the door and began jogging to school.
   I reached the school doors just as the first bell rang. Shit shit shit I'm late to class. I sped down the hallway to my first hour. I swung the door open obviously a little too hard because it made a loud noise as it hit the wall. Oops. The whole class turned to me standing in the doorway trying to catch my breath. "You're late Miss King. Have a seat and please don't slam the door again" my math teacher said. "Y-yes ma'am sorry." I stuttered still out of breath. I took a seat in the desk closest to me in the front. The desk that coincidentally was right next to my favorite person in the world, Benjamin🙄.
   Halfway through the class I glanced over at Benjamin's work to see what he had accomplished. No I wasn't cheating I'm smart enough to pass on my own although I'm more skilled in Language Arts and Science. I just thought maybe it would be nice to know for the project? Who am I kidding I'm nosy af. I made sure he wasn't looking when I leaned over a little to get a better look. He had already answered every problem and from what I saw they were correct as well. That's weird I never thought he was good at math. Oh he probably just bullied a kid into doing it for him right?
~Benjamin's POV~
    The teacher gave us a math worksheet today, but I had finished it within 20 minutes. I don't let it show because people would judge me, but math has always been my strong point. I glance over at Hanna to see what she has done. I observe how she bites her lip while she concentrates on the problems and it makes me laugh. She looks over at my paper a couple times then leans over to see better thinking I don't notice. "Look if you wanted to copy you could've just asked" I said. She turned red and continued working without another word. I can't believe I'm going to have to work on a project with this girl for a whole month🤦🏻‍♂️.
~Hanna's POV~
*later in history class*
    "Ok class to kick off your projects today you are going to focus on getting to know the basics about your partners. Ask simple questions like favorite color or favorite animal and record them in your notebook. If you run out of time it looks like you're going to have to continue the project out of school. Now get started." The teacher directs. I take a seat next to Benjamin and pull out my notebook full of questions. "So what's your favorite color?" I ask looking down at my notebook. I wait a few seconds...no response. "Favorite color?" I repeat. "Hello?" I look up to see Benjamin focused on his phone ignoring me. "Excuse me how are we going to finish this project if you can't even listen to me long enough to answer one stupid question?!" I furiously exclaim. Benjamin looks up from his phone for a brief second before looking back down. "That's the thing we aren't going to do anything, but you are. Sound good nerdy?" Benjamin says while remaining focused on his phone. "No it does not sound good! This not only affects your grade, but mine too and I actually happen to take school very seriously! And just in case you were wondering...MY FAVORITE COLOR IS VIOLET YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted again a little too loud as the whole class including the teacher looked at me. "Uh hehe just a little argument we're all good" I awkwardly say. I then turn back to Benjamin who is staring at me almost surprised.
*bell rings*
    I sling my backpack over my shoulder frustrated and stomp out of the class. I hear footsteps behind me as I trudge through the halls, but I don't turn around. Then I hear my name being called. I still ignore it because I know exactly who it is. Suddenly I am stopped when someone well HE jumps in front of me. "Ha- Hanna wait" Benjamin says out of breath. "Look I'm sorry I was being so rude to you back there. We can work on the project after school at my house if you want. Here's my phone number I will text you the address." He says. "Wait do my ears deceive me? Did I just hear the Benjamin Clay...Apologize?! Gasp I'm shocked😲" a say with a slight smirk. "Yeah yeah don't make a big deal out of it" he says almost laughing. "So are we going to work on the project or what?" He asks still smirking. "Let's do it" I say while handing him my phone to put in his phone number.
(A/N the next chapters will start to get a lot more interesting I promise😂)

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