Soft boi Benjamin😉

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(A/N play the song when I say to)
~Hanna's POV~
  Benjamin and I haven't spoke since I unfolded my plan yesterday. I'm still incredibly pissed off at him, but we hadn't worked on the project at all yet and we were running out of time. I approached him in History class to ask if we could work on it after school, but he was too busy sucking some random girl's face off. "Benjamin?" No response. "Hello? BENJAMIN!!" I shouted getting his attention. He stopped kissing the girl and said "pipe down would ya" then continued his make out session. I stomped away furious.
~Benjamin's POV~
   Hanna stomped away furiously as I shoved the girl off me. My plan worked perfectly. I thought that if she was going to be a bitchy nerd then might as well play around a bit and get her annoyed.
~Hanna's POV~
As I walked away I realized that I shouldn't be letting this get to me. I mean I hate him after all right? I turned on my heels and swiftly walked back towards Benjamin's desk in the back. I stopped right as I reached the front of his desk. "I'm coming over to your house tonight and we are going to work on the project whether you like it or not" I demanded. He looked shocked but only for a brief second. "Oh um please" I added returning back to my normal awkward tone. "Fine, But if I lock you out that's on you not me🤷🏻‍♂️" he says. "I'll risk it. See you at 5:00? Ok? Ok." I say with an attitude.
~Benjamin's POV~
    Ok I take back what I said earlier, maybe my plan isn't working as well as I thought.
*after school at Benjamin's house*
~Hanna's POV~
I walked into his house as the door was wide open. I jogged upstairs and opened the door to Benjamin's room only to see Benjamin roughly kissing Leilani. DISGUSTING. I slammed the door shut and took a seat on the couch downstairs to wait. A few minutes after Leilani left I went back upstairs and into Benjamin's room. "Have fun?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. "Look can we just agree to put our hatred aside at least until we finish this project? Then you can go back to your little group of minions and I can go back to being invisible. Sound good?" I say. He sighs. "Deal" he says while shaking my hand. I take a seat on the floor and pull out my notebook. "Ok so first question what's your favorite color and why?" I ask. Benjamin continues to stare at his phone ignoring me. "You know the quicker we finish this project the quicker I am out of your life" I say.
~Benjamin's POV~
Maybe that's why I don't want to finish it I thought to myself. I shut off my phone and toss it on the bed. "Fine. My Favorite color is Green because it reminds me of the trees." I say. "Oh that's kind of interesting" Hanna says.
~Hanna's POV~
After that we continued to ask questions back and forth and is it weird to say that I was actually "Hahaha no way did you actually do that?" I asked laughing my head off at something he told me. "I swear! And then she was like 'get off my lawn you brainless teenager'" Benjamin exclaimed while laughing. I liked this side of Benjamin a lot more than the one I see at school. I liked seeing his bright smile too. Suddenly the door opened to Georgia with tears in her eyes. "Benji I think there is a monster in the closet" she said while tears poured out of her eyes. "Benji?" I asked holding in my laughter. "Oh shut up" he said playfully pushing me. "No no I like it...Benji. Yup I'm calling you that now." I said while giggling. "Hanna!" Georgia yelled while jumping on me. "Hi cutie" I said. "Ca-can you get rid of the monster in my closet." She asked still in tears. I wipe away her tears. "Of course. I'll protect you while Benji goes full karate kid mode on them." I say putting my hands up pretending to karate chop the air. "Ok follow me." She says while giggling at me being goofy. Benji enters the Twin's room ahead of us while Georgia hides behind me. He slowly opens the closet door. "ok come out monster! Leave my little sister alone." He shouts playing along. Then out of nowhere a figure tackles Benji to the ground and Georgia gasps. When I look down to see what had jumped out, I saw a blonde haired boy on top of Benji pretending to be a rabid monster attacking him. "HARLOW!" Georgia exclaimed as we all laughed.
*back in Benji's room*
"haha ok so last question do you have any hidden talents?" I asked. "Um well I can a whole banana with my feet." He said rubbing his chin in thought. "Omg ew haha, but for real do you have any talents that nobody else knows about?" I ask. "Actually one minute I'll be right back." He says before walking out of the room. He enters the room with his hands behind his back. "If you tell anyone about this I will actually kill you." He says. "Who do you think I'm going to tell? One of my many popular friends?" I say almost laughing. He chuckles and then swings a guitar out from behind his back. "I've been playing since I was 8" he says. He takes a seat on the bed above me and begins to strum.
(A/N play song now! Let's just pretend that Christian is Benji singing a song he wrote lol)
He strums the strings beautifully as I watch his every move. I get goosebumps as he begins to sing. His voice is soft yet powerful. My smile grows as I listen to the gorgeous sound of his guitar and the smooth sound of his voice. Never would I have taken Benjamin Clay for the kind of guy to be into music like this. And the lyrics of his song were absolutely amazing. I didn't know he was so talented...
"And baby when you sleep, do you dream of me?
And when you're awake, do you think of me?
I need to know, how do you feel?
Cause baby when I sleep, I dream of you
And when I'm awake, that's all I do
Think about every detail you have
Do you notice when I get mad, I clench my jaw?
Do you notice when I get sad, I tend to fall?
Look at my words I say to you
Cause I notice when you get mad
You close your eyes
And I notice when you are sad
you let out sighs
I need to know are those sighs ever over me?
Do you know how in love with you
I am?"
Benji sings. As he strums the last chord I look at him in disbelief. "Benji- that was amazing" I exclaim. "Yeah thanks. I've never really shown anyone else because they would judge me." He says while shrugging. "But you are so good! And the lyrics are amazing. What's it about?" I ask curious. "I'm not sure yet" he says. "Is it about Leilani?" I ask. "Ugh are you kidding me why does everyone always assume that. It's like they think that's the only thing on my mind. Even after showing you this all you see is a dumb popular jock." He says while roughly taking his guitar off his neck. "I'm sorry did I do something?" I ask genuinely confused. "No it's whatever. I think we did enough of the project today. We can work some other time." He says coldly while falling into his back. "Oh ok." I say kind of disappointed. Im not sure what I did wrong. I thought we were having a good time. I guess it was just me. I pick up my stuff and leave his house.
(A/N #78 in one of the ranks!! Thank you guys so much ik that doesn't seem like a lot but I seriously only wrote this expecting one person to read it😂. Anyway I hope you like the book so far and if you have any suggestions on what should happen next just leave a comment. Xoxo)

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