Why would you go to a coffee place if you don't like coffee?

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(A/N james will be inspired by Calum Hood😉😂 inside joke you'll see)
~Hanna's POV~
"hey I'm home" I say as walk into my house taking my shoes off. "hello?" I say again. I walk into the kitchen to find a note on the counter
Your dad and I decided to go on vacation for a little while. There is food in the fridge and I left some money in case you run out. Be home soon - mom.
Wow what a surprise my parents aren't home...again. I walk into my living room and have a seat. I shift uncomfortably out of boredom until I give up and reach for my phone. I dial Benji's number to see if he wants to work on the project, but he doesn't answer. Ughhhhh. I get up and grab my keys. I get into my car and drive to the nearest coffee shop. The building was small and had very minimalistic decor. It was actually kind of peaceful. As I walked up to the front counter I spotted a really cute guy working as the cashier. He had dark brown hair and tan skin. "hey what can I get you" he says. "um do you have a chocolate chip frappe? I kind of hate real coffee" I say. "dude why would you come to a coffee shop if you hate coffee?" he asks. "i guess you have a point there" I say laughing. "but you are in luck we do have a chocolate chip frappe" he says. "a name for the order?" he asks. "oh um it's Hanna with no H" I say smiling. "ok" he says. I take a seat at one of the booths and wait for my name to be called. A few minutes pass and I see the cute cashier coming towards me. "hey I hope I spelled your name right." he says smiling and handing me the drink. "do you go to the high school down the street from here?" he asks. "oh um yeah. Why?" I ask. "because I'm actually quite new around here and I am going to be attending that school in a few days." he replies. "oh well if you ever need a friend, I'm here." I say smiling. "thanks" he says. After about 10 minutes of us talking and laughing pass, I grab my drink and head to my car. Once I have a seat in my car I realize that I never checked to see if he spelled my name correctly. "Drink for: Anna... Get it Hanna with no H. 941-274-748(A/N this is a random number) text me~ James" was written on the cup. I smile and put the drink in my cup holder. I pull out my phone and add him into my contacts.
(A/N sorry for the super short chapter but I've been busy recently and I thought that I should at least give you guys this filler until I finish up the chapter I'm writing)

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