She's different

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(A/N play the song above when I say so😘)
~Hanna's POV~
I was doodling in my notebook in the middle of class when I was so rudely interrupted by Benji of course. "psst Hanna" Benji whispered sitting next to me. "yes Benji?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "You've kind of been zoned out this whole hour. The teacher was talking about the project and you kind of missed it all." he said. I could feel my whole face turn bright pink. "ok class as I was saying, please continue to learn about your partners and try and get as much information as you can. Presentations are in 3 weeks. You dont have any class time to work on it today so I suggest working on it together outside of school." the teacher said. "Hey can we work at your house today?" I asked Benji. "actually can we do it at yours? It's just there is something going on at my house today." he said. "yeah sure just meet me outside the school so we can walk there." I said. "ok. Are we still on for lunch today?" he asked. "oh I thought that was just a one time thing." I said surprised. "well if we want to finish the project on time might as well work at lunch too." he said shrugging. "wow look at Benjamjn Clay actually concerned about his grades for once." I say smirking. "yeah whatever twerp see you later." he said laughing before walking away.
*at lunch*
I walk into the cafeteria looking around for Benji and his friends. Once I spot their table I head towards them and find an open seat next to Benji, but then Leilani swoops in and sits down. Aghh this bitch. "hey Benji boo" said Leilani in her disgusting snake voice. "uhh hey Leilani?" Benji said looking around. What is he looking at? Suddenly his eyes lock with mine and he opens his mouth to shout "Hey Hanna! Over here!". He waved me over so I continued to make my way to the table. I stand quietly in front of Benji as he looks at me. "hey um it looks like the table is full so we can just in work on it after school ok?" I say nervously. "no no Hanna stay. Leilani I'm sorry but it looks like you're in Hanna's seat so I would appreciate it if you would move. Thanks." he said. "sorry but I really don't feel like it. Besides this table doesn't have room for girls like her." Leilani said with an attitude. I could feel tears begging to come out of my eyes but I refused to let myself cry. "There isn't any room for her because your big ego is raking up all of the room." said Danny. I was genuinely shocked. The same kid who gave me cold death stares and sarcastic remarks was...defending me? "Haha yeah right. You have to be joking right? This ugly hoe has nothing on me." Leilani said flipping her hair. Max abruptly stood up. "Hanna is not a hoe and she is ten times cooler and nicer than you will ever be!" he said ready to fight her. Danny got up to pull Max back. "Benji?" Leilani whined with a fake scared expression. "Leilani just leave." he said. She huffed and stomped away. I took a seat next to Benji and stared down at the table trying to comprehend what had happened. I looked up at Benji and his friends. "Danny...thank you" I said. "its no big deal." he said shurgging then looking away. Maybe I had finally gotten to him I thought while smiling. "and thank you too max." I said while looking at max. "no problem. She deserved it for what she said about you." he said with his cheeky smile. "soooo..." Benji said. I turned towards him with a red face. "do you want to work on the prjocet now?" he asked. "yes" I said smiling.
*a few minutes later*
"and then Max had to go to the ER because we couldn't get the marble out of his nose!" Benji exclaimed laughing. I burst out into laughter. "omg how did that even happen" I said trying to collect myself but failing as I continued to laugh. "hey it's a lot easier to get a marble stuck in your nose than you think" Max said pouting with his arms crossed. "youre so weird." I said. "not as weird as you." said Danny under his breath. "Danny! Shut up" said Benji. "No it's ok. I know he doesn't like me. I'm sorry that you dislike me so much Danny. You are a really good friend to Max and Benji and I admire you for that." I said with a smile. Danny looked up at me and stared for a good minute or two before looking away again.
*after school*
~Benji's POV~
I stood outside the school waiting for Hanna so we could walk to her house together. I am standing right outside the big open front doors so I look inside to see if she is in the hallway. When I don't see her I turn around to check if I missed her when suddenly someone jumps on my back laughing. I stumble forward but gain my balance back and look to see who it was. Hanna had her arms wrapped around me and her legs tightly squeezed onto my torso. I laughed at her and asked "hey loser are you ready?". To which she replied, "yes sir. Onward! Giddy up!". I laughed as she hung onto me for dear life. I grabbed her arms to prevent her from falling and started to walk towards her house. I already knew where it was from the other day.
Once we arrived at her house I set her down and we walked inside. She dropped her backpack and ran up the stairs. I followed close behind her as she entered her room. She fell back onto her bed and sighed. I walked near her and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "ok so I guess we better work on it right?" she said looking up at the ceiling. "yeah just let me get my notebook" I said. For the next 30 minutes we went back and forth asking each other questions about stupid things, deep things, personal things, silly things, you name it. I was actually kind of having fun. Hanna was really cool and fun to be around. "ok so tell me about your family Benji." she asked. Suddenly I got really nervous because I don't usually talk about my family. "well um I have 2 twins siblings." I said. "i know silly. I mean tell me about your mom and dad and your relationship with them." Hanna said with a smile. "oh ok. Well uh m-my mom isn't at home right now because she is getting special treatment for her cancer. And my dad left home when I was 10." I said twiddling with my thumbs. I looked up to see Hanna's smile quickly fade. Oh no she probably hates me now. Then to my surprise she reached out and hugged me without a word. I hugged back and a single tear slipped out of my eye. "i'm so sorry Benji. I had no idea." she said with tears in her eyes. "its ok you didn't know." I said shrugging. "no it's not ok. You are hurting and I didn't even know." she said. "no it's really ok, but can we maybe talk about something else?" I asked and she nodded yes. "can you sing for me again?" she asked as her eyes lit up. "Well I've never heard you sing so how about you sing for me instead." "uhh I can't sing. My voice is really bad." she said while pushing hair behind her ear. "No way I'm sure you are fine. I promise I won't judge." I reassured. "ok but just give me a minute." she said closing her eyes. She took a deep breath. She reached over and grabbed her ukulele then started singing-
(A/N play song now) (A/N btw I know I could've used Hailee Steinfeld's voice but I just didn't feel like it fit the character.)
How does it feel
To feel nothing at all, I wonder
I imagine it's grey
Like the world suddenly lost its color
But I'd be lying if I said
I hadn't wished to feel nothing at times
To feel nothing
Cause feelings are painful
And I don't wanna suffer through
All those moments without you
When I lost you
Wow. She's really good. I had no idea she liked music too. She looked up at me and then hid her face saying "agh I'm sorry I know I'm really bad." what?! No omg are you kidding? Your voice is beautiful! I didn't know you were in to music." I said. "thanks and yeah music has gotten me through a lot." she said while blushing. "well I happen to love your voice. But I mean obviously its not as good as mine." I said pretneding to flip my invisible long hair. "oh shut up." Hanna said as she playfully hit me. "nope" I said and got up to walk around like a basic girl. Hanna sat there laughing. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. "oh you are getting it now!" I said and ran towards her. She screamed as I picked her up over my shoulder and ran down the stairs. She hit my butt trying to get me to put her down. "hey watch it my buttocks is very sensitive." I said and she laughed. I ran outside the back door and pulled her down so I was holding her bridal style over the pool. "Benji don't you dare! I will hate you." she said. "okkkk" I said before smiling and dropping her. I laughed so hard when saw her face that I fell to the ground. "Benjiiii!!!" she whined. "im sorry" I said giving her a hand out. She pulled my by the arm and I fell into the pool with her. I came up out of the water to find her laughing hysterically. We laughed splashing water back and forth before getting out of the pool and going back inside. Hanna shivered from the cold air since she was soaking wet. "im going to go take a shower and we can finish up the project another day." she said before heading upstairs. "ok I guess I'll get going." I said. "well I mean you could wait down here and we could watch a movie together" she said shrugging. "what about your parents?" I asked. "oh they are never home. The last time I saw them was on Christmas." the said shrugging. "oh I'm sorry." I said. "dont be. It's ok" she said with a small smile. "are you staying or not?" she asked. "sure. I'll wait down here go take a shower you must be freezing." I said. She nodded her head and made her way upstairs.
*a few minutes later*
I was sitting on the couch waiting for Hanna to be down with her shower when I heard footsteps on the stairs. I looked behind me to find Hanna standing there in a pair of Nike pros and a big tee shirt. Her hair was shiny from the water and her skin looked dewy and fresh. Hanna is different from other girls. She doesn't wear pounds of makeup on her face and she really doesn't need it. She looks good without it. "Hey what do you want to watch?" she said walking to the kitchen to get snacks. "im not sure. We can watch whatever you want." I said. "ooh let's watch karate kid!" she said smiling. God she's so goofy. "ok" I said laughing. During the movie my eyes kept wandering to Hanna. I examined all of her features. The way her deep brown eyes sparkled and the way her brown hair was full of perfect curls. Whenever she would laugh at the movie her dimples would show. She was honestly pretty. She wasn't pretty like other girls though, she was different in the best way possible. I'm not sure why she hasn't had a boyfriend yet because she wasn't ugly. "whatcha looking at?" Hanna said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hanna? Why haven't you had a boyfriend?" I asked. "i guess I was just never good enough for anyone." she said shrugging. "maybe nobody was good enough for you though." I said. "i don't know. I guess it's just because I'm not like every other copy and paste girl." she said. "i guess you are right." I said.
*a few hours went by*
Hanna had fallen asleep during the movie so I moved her off of me and placed a pillow underneath her head and arms. She wrapped her arms around the pillow and I smiled at how cute she looked. No what am I saying. I grabbed my bag and wrote a note before leaving her house.
(A/N I'm sorry I know this chapter is kind of bad but the real tea is coming soon. The book will get a lot more organized and make more sense once I get into the next few chapters because have something planned.)

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