The next morning at work, Forth was telling Jane about the Toei situation.
“She’s like a parasite. Everywhere I turn, she seems to always be there. It’s ridiculous. She freaking barged into our apartment last night and interrupted the first intimate time we’ve had in a while. She says Beam is the only one she has left.” Forth felt the need to role his eyes after every sentence. He really didn’t like Toei. “And her being Beam’s ex-girlfriend is not the only reason I hate her. I mean Lay, his other ex, was actually really great. She supported us both. We even went to her wedding. Toei, she’s just like,” Forth groaned and shook his head. “I don’t even know. She acts like she still likes Beam. It’s annoying.” He explained. Jane laughed and shook her head.
“Wow, man. I’m really sorry, bro. It sounds like you aren’t going to get any for a while.” She said patting Forth’s shoulder.
“You’re missing the main point, Jane.” He said pushing her hand off of him. “Toei is like taking over our apartment. I don’t get why, if he’s going to let her stay, he doesn’t just put her in the other apartment. The one he has for when he works late shifts.” He said as he began lifting weights. Jane laughed again.
“Do you really want her staying at that apartment, and then have Beam sleep there when he has to work late shifts? They’ll be there together. All alone.” Jane teased. Forth snorted and shook his head.
“No fucking way. He will no longer be using that apartment if she begins staying there. Now, shut up and support me.” He said as he laid down on the Bench Press. She sighed and stood at his head.
“I think you should tell Beam how you feel or set her straight. Claim your man.” Forth laughed and shook his head as he pushed up the bar. Jane’s eyes went wide as Forth lifted the bar up down with a few grunts.
“Holy shit, Forth. You bench 175?” She asked shocked. Forth set the bar back into its correct spot and sat up laughing.
“You didn’t know that?” He asked flexing his muscles. She laughed and pushed down on them. Beam walked up in front of them and cleared his throat. “Hey, baby.” Forth said as he stood up. He walked over and kissed Beam deeply on the lips.
“Hey. I just came to give you your wallet. You left it at home this morning.” He said pulling Forth’s wallet out of his back pocket.
“Thanks baby.” Forth said taking it. “Are you going back to work?” He asked. Beam shook his head.
“No. I had a super short shift today. I’m off now.” Forth nodded and kissed his cheek.
“Okay. I’ll be home later tonight. I’ll make dinner if you want.” He said. Beam smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, okay.” He said. “I’ll go now so you can continue to build your muscles so I can look at you muscular body naked.” He said before pecking his lips and running out as Forth slapped his butt.
“Looks like you guys are back to being okay.” Jane said smiling. Forth shrugged and nodded.
“We sort of talked it out. We tried to talk it out in our way but got interrupted.” He said. Jane laughed and shook her head.
“You guys are something else.”
After work, Forth went to the store to buy groceries before heading home.
When he arrived home, however, Toei was standing in the kitchen, already making dinner. Forth groaned and went to find Beam. He was standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. Forth entered the bathroom and locked the door.
“What is she doing here, and why the hell is hse making dinner when I told you I was going to?” Forth asked. Beam sighed and smiled.
“Forth, will you please stop being so jealous?” Beam asked moving closer and wrapping his arms around Forth’s neck.
“She’s in our kitchen, making dinner for my boyfriend. How am I supposed to not be jealous?” He asked. Beam sighed again and leaned forward to whisper is Forth’s ear.
“Baby, there is nothing about her that I like. I’m in love with you. You’re the love of my life.” He said before pulling back slightly. “And you have so much more than her.” He said running his hand down Forth’s chest and stomach before grabbing his member through his shorts. Forth gasped.
Beam quickly closed the distance between their lips and held him close, kneading Forth through the fabric.
Beam moved his lips to Forth’s neck, kissing and sucking.
“I want you tonight.” Beam whispered. Forth grabbed on to Beam’s shirt as he came in his shorts. Beam smirked and pulled back. “You’re the only one who can satisfy me. I want a man, not some puny little woman. I want something inside me, I don’t want to be inside something.” Beam said before kissing Forth’s cheek and walking away.
Forth had to catch his breath before walking out to their bedroom and grabbing some new shorts to change into.

All Night Stands || ForthBeam
Fanfiction*Sequel to One Night Stands* ▪ ▪ ▪ After realizing their feelings for one another, three years ago, Forth and Beam started dating. On the night of the "big question," they get interrupted by Beam's "friend." After meeting this "friend"...