Chapter 16

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    Beam rushed through the sliding doors of the hospital. His clothes soaking wet, but he didn't mind. He just needed to get to Forth.

    "Excuse me. Excuse me." Beam rushed to the front desk. "There was a male patient brought in from a car accident on the highway. I need to know what room he is in." His heart was beating fast and his hands were shaking like no tomorrow.

    "Yes. And what is your relation to the patient?" She asked typing on her computer.

    "He's my boyfriend." Beam said without hesitation. The woman smiled at him before directing him to the room.

    Beam ran down the hallway and slammed into the room.

    Forth was laying in the bed, with tubes hooked up to him, passed out.

    Beam gasped and ran over to Forth. Caressing his face softly.

    "No." He whispered softly shaking his head.

    "Sir?" Beam turned around quickly. "Are you Beam?"

    "Yes. I am."

    "Would you please step into the hallway with me." The doctor jestrred for Beam to follow, and he did 

    "For as bad as the wreck was, Forth only sustained minor injuries. He has a broken wrist, two cracked ribs, and a concussion. I'm surprised he didn't get hurt more. He is a lucky man." The doctor explained. Beam nodded along wit the doctor as he spoke.

    "Did you give him a sedative? Is that why he is passed out? Has he been unconscious the whole time?"

    The doctor sighed deeply. "He has been unconscious since he was put in the ambulance. He hasn't woken since." Another stray tear fell down Beam's cheek.

    "Are you saying that he is in like a coma or something?" He questioned.

    "At this point we don't know. We'll inform you when we do, though." With that the doctor turned around and walked down the hall.

    Beam walked back into Forth's hospital room.

    He pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. He grabbed Forth's scratched up hand and held it up to his lips, kissing it gently.

    "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

    He stayed with Forth a few more minutes before going out of the room to call their friends and family.

    His parents were on a trip to Japan so they couldn't be at the hospital as soon as they wanted.

    Pha and Yo came as soon as they could, while Kit and Ming had to wait until after work.

    They all huddled around Beam making sure he knew that everything is gonna turn out okay.


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