"Forth!" Jane yelled across the packed bar to him. She waved him over. "You made it." She said standing up and kissing his cheek.
"Yeah. I told Beam I was going out with work friends." He said sitting down.
"He didn't come with you?" Jane asked. Forth shook his head.
"I asked, but he has an early shift in the morning so he just went to bed." He informed them.
"Who is Beam?" The girl sitting next to Jane asked.
She had long black hair and the darkest brown eyes. They matched beautifully with her tan skin.
She kind of reminded Forth of Beam. They could have been siblings.
"Beam is Forth's fiance." Jane told her.
"Almost fiance. I haven't purposed yet." He said, correcting her.
"That's a minor detail." She said waving it off. "Forth, this is Boom, my girlfriend."
"So you are real?" He asked laughing as he sat back in his seat.
Jane slapped his arm.
"What?" Boom asked laughing softly.
"Well, Jane always talks about you, but would never show us pictures or anything like that, so we thought you weren't real." Forth explained with a small smile.
"You talked about me?" Boom asked smiling wide at Jane.
"Forth, I've you don't shut your mouth I swear to god." She said raising her fist.
Boom grabbed it and intertwined their fingers.
"Do tell more, Forth." She said smiling wide.
Just as Forth opened his mouth, his eyes wondered to the door at the same time Beam walked in with Toei.
He closed his mouth quickly, watching them walk to the bar.
"Is that Beam?" Jane asked, also looking in their direction.
"Yeah. And that bitch Toei." Forth said through his teeth.
He watched them for maybe another hour. He hated how close she was getting to him.
She was practically sitting in his lap and he wasn't doing anything about it.
He watched as Toei put her arms around Beam's neck and kiss him lovely in the lips.
Forth shot up from his seat and walked over to them.
He grabbed Beam's arm and pulled him out of Toei's grasp.
"Don't ever touch my man again." Was all he said before pulling Beam out of the bar, into the pouring ran that had started maybe ten minutes before.
"Forth, it wasn't what it looked like." Beam tried to reason.
Forth stopped and dropped Beam's arm, turning around to face him.
"It is exactly what it looks like! God, you didn't get it, do you? You think I'm misunderstanding it, but it's you. Can't you see what she is doing? What she has been doing ever since she showed up." Forth's voice was attracting a few people's attention.
"Forth, calm down, baby." Beam said trying to touch Forth's face.
"No!" He yelled making Beam jump. "She's been trying to get you back since she got here. She's been buttering you up and you can't see it. I was dealing with it, but tonight was the last straw. She fucking kissed you and you still can't see."
"I've told her multiple times, Forth." Beam told him.
"Well, not enough, clearly. I mean, how am I supposed to feel when there is a fucking woman you used to date walking around the apartment, we own together, in sheer pajamas? You even went out with her tonight after telling me you didn't want to go out with me." Forth was more than angry. He was pissed.
"Well, you're the one that went out with Jane. Who fucking knows what you guys are doing. How am I supposed to know that you are over your playboy ways?" Beam was now raising his voice.
Forth scoffed. "We've been together for three years! I fucking love you. I'm in love with you. And I came here tonight to meet Jane's girlfriend."
"W-What?" Beam asked.
"Yeah. She's lesbian, and if you would have asked you would have known that. But no, you just sat their assuming."
Forth took a deep breath before speaking again. This time in a quieter voice.
"I think it's best if we are apart for a little while." Forth said.
"N-No." Beam said shaking his head as a few years fell.
Forth turned around and began walking to his car.
"Forth, wait." Beam said grabbing his arm. "Baby, please. Just stay here. Please don't leave me." He said resting his head on Forth's arm. "Please don't drive in this weather."
Forth closed his eyes and pulled away from Beam's grasp, getting into his car.
He started the car and drove off, leaving Beam behind him in the rain.
Once he was far enough away, the tears began to fall.
He reached up to whipe them away just as another car came around the corner and slammed into the side of his car.
Thoughts on this chapter?

All Night Stands || ForthBeam
Fanfiction*Sequel to One Night Stands* ▪ ▪ ▪ After realizing their feelings for one another, three years ago, Forth and Beam started dating. On the night of the "big question," they get interrupted by Beam's "friend." After meeting this "friend"...