part 10

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Emma POV: I look around cautiously and hear the noise again. a knock at the door. I relax and open it only to see...........

? POV: I grin evilly at the little girl tied up on the little wooden chair. her green eyes are flooded with tears.

"I WANT MY MOMMY AND DADDY!" she screams and I cover her mouth with a cloth covered in chlorophorm and she slumps forward, unconscious

Annabeth POV: I sit there on the couch in Emma and Nico's apartment crying. I couldn't believe that someone just came and kidnapped Zoe.

"annabeth its alright we'll find her" Emma says trying to comfort me. I sniff and dry my eyes. I'm like 5 months pregnant now with the twins. Emma smiles comfortingally at me and hands me a mug of tea

time lapse about 2 weeks

Emma POV: I walk aimlessly around the shopping center with my bridesmaids trying to find the perfect dresses and trying to keep annabeth's mind off the kidnapping of her daughter when we see a guy walking along with a little girl who's screaming and crying. I recognize her immediately

"hi sir would you like me to look after the little girl while you run any errands that must be done?" I ask, running up

"thank you" he grumbles, shoving Zoe into my arms. I take off at a full sprint, yelling at the others to follow. I stop at my car, gasping for breath. I put Zoe down and she runs over to annabeth and well let's just say WORLDS CUTEST MOMMY DAUGHTER MOMENT EVER!!!

10 months later.

Percy POV: out and pick up our son while annabeth holds our daughter. Charlie and Silena our twins. Zoe is nearly 3 and has her heart set on ballet lessons.

"Percy! come here a second!" calls annabeth. I run out just as she's putting down the phone.

"what is it?" I ask, worried

"well first off don't be so worried. second off Bianca has chosen rebirth and also Emma is pregnant!" she says, smiling crazily.

"awwww cute!" I say reaching out to hug her.

*5 months later*

Piper POV: "mommy where are we going?" whines me and Jason's 2 year old daughter, Kira.

"we're going to the hospital" Jason says, keeping her new baby cousin a secret.

"why?" always the child for questions

"it's a surprise" I say quickly, keeping her quiet.

Annabeth POV: I can't believe it! I still remember the day Emma came to camp, the day she came over and told me about the engagement and now she's a mommy. I smile and sit back in the little chair in the waiting room.

percabeth: forever and alwaysWhere stories live. Discover now