Part 17

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Annabeth POV: I walk into the kitchen and laugh at Percy who's trying to make chips and sausages for us after recovering I look at Zoe who seems to be deeply immersed in a book and listening to music on her monster proof phone Leo made for her, rian is playing with a cup of water, silena who's colouring a picture and sam and Vivian who are whispering away in their twin language.

"RIAN CUT IT OUT!" I look back at rian who's sending mini waves of water at silena and roll my eyes.

"Rian you're just like your father. now can you please stop splashing your sister?" I say gently,covering the glass and feeling the water splash my hand and sigh.

"Percy. Little help maybe?" I groan. Percy turns around and laughs.

"Rian please stop" groans silena but lucky for her the glass is finally empty.

30 mins later.

Percy POV: "okay guys movie time. get your pajamas on" annabeth says and the kids sprint upstairs to get their pajamas on.

"so seaweed brain, what are we watching?" I ask as the kids come downstairs and squish onto the couch with us

"where will I sit?" asks Vivian, looking at the crowded couch. just as I open my mouth, Zoe picks her up and plops her down on her lap. she's a brilliant big sister.

"we are watching...... dadadadaaaaaa.... finding nemo" percy says cheerily.

"percy. honestly. why?" I say before laughing at him and his fish movie obsession.

the next day

Percy POV: "DAD!!" I look up at rian and Sam who have climbed up a tree when my back was turned.

"okay boys come down before you get hurt" they both look at each other and cannon ball into the pool and get out dry. I laugh and shake my head as they race around the garden.

Annabeth POV: I walk quickly to Starbucks and sit down. Emma wanted to meet me here because she has some news.
half an hour later

"hey annabeth!" I look up suddenly and smile as Emma and Bianca sit across from me and Emma orders 2 cookies,a hot chocolate (idk if they do hot chocolate because I was there ages ago so I don't remember) and a caramel latte (tbh I don't like coffee but this is a story so I can pretend)

"so. how's it going?" I say brightly, making conversation

"I'm pregnant"


"yeah. about 7 months. a little girl" she says cheerily. after that we just aimlessly chat, drink coffee, eat cookies and discuss baby names eventually Percy and nico come in so the 4 of us discuss names we eventually agree on Tris Marlene Di Angelo.

"in honour of my stepsister and her friend I guess" murmurs Emma as we get up and leave. us girls going shopping and the boys..... well who knows.

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