part 12

352 11 2


Annabeth POV: I feel like crying as Zoe walks into her kindergarten classroom while Emma and I stand behind with Bianca and my twins Rian and Silena. we glance at each other sadly the twins and Bianca are starting pre school today and I can't bear to part with them.

"I'm going to read tons of books!" pipes up Silena. I look down at her and smile. her curly black hair is tied into two plaits and her gray eyes are sparkling with excitement.

"me too!" says Bianca quietly. she and silena are the best of friends and always read and chat together.

"I'm going to go splash splash with the water toys!" says rian his green eyes and blonde hair shining slightly in the morning sun. Emma and I laugh and bring them to their pre school and while the kids tug at us we attempt conversation

"are you sure you can deal with four kids?" I ask Emma who's looking after Zoe and the twins along with her own daughter.

"yeah I'll be grand" she says smiling happily.

"I might bring them to get happy meals too seeing as its a very important day" she adds in a low whisper. I laugh as the kids jump up and down at seeing the pre school. looks like a really nice place. small redbrick school house with a cute enclosed playground at the side. a group of little kids are crying and gripping their parents legs. three ladies are trying to gather the crowd up and after a while there's silence.

"now then. hello everyone I am Katie and this is Hazel and Piper" Emma and I exchange glances that say it all

"well we know our kids are in good hands" Emma whispers. I nod in agreement as we're led inside. I smile as all the kids run off to play and read or draw or colour

"hi guys!" I look up and smile as Katie, Piper and Hazel walk over to us.

"hey!" Emma and I say in unison

"so are you going to miss them?" Katie asks.

"yes. it seems like only yesterday she was born. now look at her" Emma says, sighing

"yeah I miss having a kid running about in my dresses and high heels" says Hazel and Piper in unison. I smile at them.

"oh gods! I gotta run" I say, noticing the time.

"oh geez! that's the time I need to run too!" Emma says

"okay I'll see you guys later" Katie says

"I'm staying late at work so Emma's picking the kids up'' I say as we walk out.

"okay. I'll see you later Emma" Katie says, waving as we sprint down the path

Piper POV: I smile as I watch silena and Bianca reading in the corner sharing a giant blue beanbag. well I know where the love of reading comes from.


time lapse.


Emma POV: I sit in the drivers seat of my 7 seater car. I got it for times like this. I check my watch and sigh. half an hour left until the kids are due to be collected. I shrug and open my book and begin reading. after a half an hour I'm finished my book and I hop out of the car and head in to collect the kids and am greeted by three kids hugging me. I collect their bags and coats and half walk half carry them to the car. they sit in the middle row of seats and chatter excitedly about their day. I laugh to myself and turn on the radio just as 'shake it off' comes on. I turn it up and sing along softly as I pull up into my driveway and open the side gate so the kids can go and play. I sigh as I watch them. I wish they could always be that little. but still. I take out the I phone that Leo fixed up so monsters couldn't track any of us and put the music on shuffle. its mostly Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Selena Gomez and demi lovato. the first song that comes on is 'blown away' which is the only Carrie Underwood song on my phone and after that its 'never grow up' by Taylor Swift. I check the time and tell the kids to hop into the car. I plug my phone into the stereo so my music is played. I then drive down to the primary school to collect Zoe.

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