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Demilade's dress above ^^^

For the longest while he says nothing, nothing at all as his gold eyes bore into mine, probing and searching for a reason, any reason for my sudden proposal, any reason why I would lay my life down in exchange for his sister's.

He finds nothing in my eyes, I have learnt to shut the windows in my eyes, they are a dark abyss to nothing.


His face contorts into a bitter expression, as if it pains him to admit curiosity, it make me smile.

In a blink of an eye, he is standing right in front of me, shaking me with his strong arms.

"Why?" He explodes, I can see the curiosity burning in his eyes, I see something else - a grudging respect, he knows he will forever be in my debt by this single act. Tadenikawo is not a man that likes to owe, not to a man, not to a woman - a woman he despises.

I do not want his respect though, his respect is worth nothing to me, I do not want him to owe me, what I want to do is for me, not for his sister.

At once, he lets me go. He schools his expression into one of false calm, I see through it easily because of his flickering gaze, he can barely look me in the eye.

"My reasons are for me to know and for you to ponder until your head boils," I snap.

I can tell he wants to decline, he wants to reject my help but his head reminds him of the consequences, I am his safest solution.

"Let us discuss this in the morning," He dismisses in a last bid at grasping the straws of control.

I nod with a sudden realization that being in his presence has drained me considerably.

"My offer only stands for a limited time your Majesty, ponder wisely," I cannot help but have the last word but so does he.

"Wear your prettiest dress Demilade, tomorrow is your last night as queen," He warns ominously.

I snort, tomorrow is my last night as his queen, if things go according to plan then I will go on to be someone else's queen, only for a while, until I become my own queen.

"None of this character tomorrow, you will join my cabinet meeting in the evening."

"As you wish, your Majesty,"

When I leave, my feet carry me to the stable where the sweet melodious tune of the flute seems to come from.

The inside of the stable shed is lit by a single lantern and I shake my head at the stupidity of the player, the stable could easily be set on fire because of the hay on the ground. All it needs is a single unfortunate mistake.

The player is a boy with a thick mop of shiny black hair, he looks about my age and is lost in the tune he is playing, he sits on the floor of hays with his legs crossed.

I stand stiffly at the entrance of the stable shed watching him. The horses seem enthralled by his playing, the closest horse nudges him in a gentle motion and the boy smiles slightly as his tune pauses momentarily.

I try to recollect if I might have seen this boy before, he must be one of the nameless servants in the palace for his face to be forgettable, his clothes are not fancy too, a  plain white shirt with a slight oil stain on the neckline and sokoto.

His face is less than forgettable though, some women might consider him handsome because of his soft and almost feminine features. I can tell that he is as tall as I am, maybe even taller. Yes, he is definitely not a forgettable face but when was the last time I looked at a man for his face rather than their black hearts.

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