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The battle lasts three more days and nights after the demigoddess princess dies, eventually, the undead army falls, the prince realizes too late that he has lost her forever, her father bites his lip and refuses to cry and the king cannot think of a better woman she has met and she creates a task force named after the fallen goddess, to free girls taken slaves and to them, the goddess becomes a prayer on their lips.

The kingdom of Ile Wura whispers the story of how the last spawn of Kabiyesi Gbadamosi has fallen, but unlike the ones before her, they deem her a hero. They teach their daughter to be soft like her but to also be brave and fierce.

In realm of the immortal ones, they say her spirit is a violent wind, like a lover's caress, some say. Even in death she lives on.



Phew, it's over. This book started out as an attempt to prove to myself that I could write a sequel and along the way, I wanted to quit, because of you guys, I didn't, so thank you.

I made it clear from the beginning that there is nothing happy about the Women Of Steel novella trilogy. I proved it with the first book and with this second book. And while this might not be the ending you thought it would be, I think it's perfect, beautiful in it's own way. Omolara started out as confused and running away from who everyone thought she was. She became better and showed that she is different from the Gbadamosi bloodline, she became the last thing she expected to be, a matyr. A hero.

I'm so proud of her development and I'm so proud of myself for giving her a fitting ending. Now, here's the part where you tell me what you think about this book, tell me if you loved or hated it. Thank you if you've stuck around all these while, through frequent updates and disappearances, thank you for staying, for motivating me, I love you.

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