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"Demilade yẹ ki o jẹ ọba!"

The chants of the people echo in the village square and a smile spreads on Tara's lips despite the gravity of the situation. The kingmakers council stand at the helm, awaiting order and silence, like they have been waiting for two hours.

The kingmakers are stubborn but the people are desperate, an emotion that trumps pigheadedness.

The sun beats down mercilessly but the kingmakers stand stiff and emotionless, all seven of them old men, eyes weary with a thousand storms and wisdom. Tara respects their wisdom and loathes their ancient way of thinking. Ifatunji's prophecy from the gods don't even seem to sway their hearts, Tara stood and watched while Ifatunji spoke of it the day before to the council who watched with unblinking gazes.

"Pa ẹnu rẹ mọ,"  The first man shouts, voice croaky like a frogs but ringing loud and cutting through the shouts that soon die down simultaneously.

"We have heard your cries, and the prophecy from the gods." The second man continues, stroking his thick white beard. "Matters like this are delicate and the purpose of king making has been handed to us by the Orisha because of our wisdom."

The third man speaks, thinner and even more frail looking than the first two. He picks off where the second stopped, like the rhythm of a song. "And we refuse to hand over a throne ruined by the late Gbadamosi and his son; Kabiyesi Tadenikawo to a woman who has a bad record of insubordination and defiance in this kingdom while she was queen."

Reluctant murmurs of agreement echo in the hot afternoon air. Tara feels her smile turn down in a frown, the council are right in their decision not to trust Demilade despite the prophecy. Still, she wishes they are not so judging and see Demilade for what she really is, a woman who fought hard against the ocean while drowning.

Ifatunji places a hand of comfort on her shoulder and they share a worried look, afraid of whatever test the kingmakers will throw on Demilade's path, the queen is not a very patient person.

A man besides them in the crowd eyes them with brief curiosity before turning his face away when he notices Tara's gaze on him, no doubt wondering what the exonerated witch is doing with the chief priest.

The fourth kingmaker says, "We have reached a common decision and have decided to listen to the gods, but Demilade Adegboyega will not have the throne easy."

"There will be a trial when she returns to Ile Wura, a trial that will determine if she is to be king. Already, news of her return has reached our ears from travelling merchants. If she passes our trial, she will be rightfully crowned king." The fifth man says.

The sixth continues the song. "If she fails. . ."

The crowd, including Tara hold their breath in anticipation, wondering if they are doomed if Demilade fails and in that torturous moment, the first seed of doubt grows.

"If she fails, she will be crowned queen but with a king consort. If she fails, she is deemed unfit for the throne but the we trust the words of the oracle and she will still rule but her every decision must be agreed upon by her king consort." The sixth continues.

The seventh finishes. "The king consort shall be Prince Tobiloba of Ile Alaafia, and she has no say in the matter."


Tara's worry grow with each passing day as Demilade's return grow nearer, when the queen left, she was in no state of mind to rule over anything and was only invested in her revenge and now, Tara is not so sure Demilade is ready to be king now.

"The gods would not have chosen her if she wasn't fit." Ifatunji tells her. Tara watches and envies his confidence, Ifatunji is man who has divine belief in his gods, the gods that Tara has no trust in.

"How do you have so much trust in them?" Tara asks.

Ifatunji shifts his weight on the bench and smiles at Tara. "The same way you trust yourself, Omotara, it is unexplainable."

The both of them sit outside, savouring the cool evening breeze and watching the builders from Ile Ogo begin to patch up the ruined throne building as ordered by the kingmakers. Slowly, Ile Wura has began to pick itself up from the rubble and live again, every day, they await news from the battle front, concerned for their husbands and sons fighting in a meaningless war and also hold out hope for a new leadership.

"I think they've abandoned us,"

"But you believe in your friend, the queen."

Tara's mouth drops open slightly in surprise. "How do you know we are friends? I have never said a word to you about her."

Ifatunji bends to draw aimlessly on the sand. "The day Babatunde and I told you of the prophecy, you were not surprised and you did not refuse to help us. You believe in her."

"Not so much now, Demilade is a complicated person and I know very little about her, only what she has chosen to tell." Tara shrugs. "You are right, I do believe in her, because only the one that has suffered the venom of a snake truly knows the pain of that one who suffers the same pain."

"You are a wise woman."

Tara's insides warm at the compliment.

"Thank you," She simply says. Ifatunji is not like most people, Tara thinks, wise beyond his age and a lot like the woman Tara has always wished to be. Ifatunji is truly a man who wishes the best for Ile Wura.

"You are a free woman now, free to begin your life as you wish it in the village, do you plan to go back to your daughter?" Ifatunji asks curiously.

"No, I am not sure my daughter needs me, she has been without a mother for five years of her life, my sudden presence will disrupt her life." Tara says then sighs, the truth spilling from her lips. "I fear that she may not want me in her life anymore. She will not remember me."

"Sometimes, I resent this village for all the losses it has caused me, just like how I'm sure Demilade feels too, alienated by the people that should have protected her." Tara muses.

Ifatunji turns to smile at Tara again, he is not a handsome man, but his smile crinkles, reaching his eyes and it makes up for his plain features.

"A child will always need it's mother."

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