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Credits to the artist for the image above. Reminds me of Tadenikawo. This chapter is from Demilade's perspective and the last chapter in part three.


The prince sweeps his emotionless gaze over my nude body before flicking them back to my face. I resist the urge to dip my whole body into the water to hide from his gaze. He doesn't look at me like a red blooded man would look at a woman, instead he looks at me like a man would look at another man.

I should be happy, should be roaring my glee to the heavens, all I have ever wanted is to be looked at like an equal, not a subordinate and now a man looks at me that way. But the emotion that courses through me is insecurity.

Tobiloba should be looking at me lustfully, he shouldn't be standing there unaffected. I was never taught by my mother on how to seduce a man, or how to make a man beg with just a look, like the way I have seen Itunu, my elder sister do to the village boys. Or the way Sade manages to command the attention of men with one innocent glance. I cannot help but glance at my own self and question my self worth.

Am I not good looking? Is my body not desirable?

Is that why Tadenikawo has never lifted a finger to touch me? Not that I want him to. In fact, the thought of  him laying a finger of desire on my body makes a shiver of repulsion snake down my spine visibly.

In all my twenty two years, I have had men look at me in fear but not in admiration.

"No." The Prince utters the one word that rouses anger.

"And why not?" I snap. "Is there anything wrong with me?"

Tobiloba laughs softly.

"There is nothing wrong with you, you are a beautiful woman." He says, his words shouldn't affect me but they do. I have never had someone tell me that, not even my mother.

The highest compliment my mother can ever give out is commending bravery.

"Then why not?" I repeat, less harshly.

"In case you have forgotten, you are married to my king and you are to be married to this new king. No respectable woman would ask such a thing." He shrugs.

I shrink back, pretending to use the soap.

"I want to tell you something, not even Tadenikawo knows of this." I say, inhaling deeply.

"The maid will be back soon."

I wave a hand dismissively, splashing water around.

"Sade will hold her off. Nobody will come looking for us." I scoff.

He sighs deeply. "I am all ears, Your Majesty."

I avoid his gaze when I speak my words, "I am a virgin."

I watch him carefully to gauge his reaction, he seems emotionless but I catch the slight widening of his eyes.

"You must know the circumstances surrounding my marriage to Tadenikawo, it's no secret. My marriage is only in name and I cannot begin listing everything that has happened."

He nods attentively.

"I chose this death mission to help my kingdom, not because of the king or anything. I am now pawned off, to be married to another disaster,"

I wash off the soap and step out, uncaring of the gust of cold wind that hits me.

"You should know what a marriage entail, or rather what consummation is, do you have a betrothed?"

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