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   Jack's best friend, Alex, looked like shit. There were dark circles under his eyes, his hair was greasy and unwashed, his skin pale and sallow. He was thinner than Jack himself, and a week previously, their bandmate, Zack, had declared that Alex's ribs were visible from eight states away. But it wasn't until Alex fainted in the middle of a concert from dehydration that Jack realized he needed to take matters in his own hands.

   Jack, Zack, and their other bandmate, Rian all agreed: Ever since his girlfriend of three years, Sammy, broke up with him, Alex Gaskarth had been a mess. And now that that mess was threatening their friend's physical well-being, something needed to be done. 

   Zack suggested the simple approach: Just be there for Alex, make sure he ate and slept, and let him work everything out on his own. This also included trying to keep him away from drugs and alcohol, just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. However, when they tried it, Alex didn't appreciate the effort at all, and threatened to crack his head open with a beer bottle.

   Rian was cautious when he advocated for counselling. He said that although he knew that Alex hated anything of the sort, it could be the best option, especially if someone went with him to help him through it. When they tried that, Alex almost castrated him outside the therapist's office.

   Jack spent a lot of time thinking about his solution, which was unusual. Usually, the gangly, wild-haired twenty-something acted first and thought about the consequences later. But this was different. This time, his best friend's life could actually depend on it, and Jack wasn't about to screw that up. So while Alex spent two weeks in the hospital, recovering from what the doctors described as severe dehydration and malnutrition, Jack thought up three different plans. The first was to find Sammy and beg her to get back into Alex's life, but Zack nixed the idea, stating that he would kill Sammy if he ever saw her again after breaking Alex's heart, and he hated to think what might happen to Alex.

   Jack's second idea was hypnotherapy. They could hypnotize Alex into forgetting Sammy and being himself again! But when he went in for a consultation, the hypnotherapist refused to do it on moral grounds, and she also admitted that it could wear off, especially if there were mementos of their time spent tofether. Rian and Zack both agreed with the moral stance the hypnotherapist took: It wasn't fair to make Alex feel something that he didn't feel or do naturally.

   The last idea was the only one that no one argued with: Find Alex a new girlfriend, one that wouldn't remind him of Sammy at all. She had to be completely different, but not so different that she and Alex had nothing in common. Zack and Rian both agreed, but there was one small problem: Everyone in their group of friends knew each other. Every girl they knew already knew Sammy, they knew what happened between Alex and Sammy, and they all knew it was going to be a hell of a job to replace her. Add in the fact that none of them really liked Alex 'in that way', and it became a much bigger problem. It wouldn't be fair to Alex to have one of their friends date him, then break it off again. And it also wasn't like they could just ask a fan to be his girlfriend. She might be thrilled with the idea, but Alex didn't need a fangirl in his life. He needed someone who cared about him for who he was, not what he did for a living.

   And that's when The Hustler came in. At first, the others were skeptical: Was it really a good idea to hire a girlfriend for Alex? But after an additional week of Alex's... moping, to put it lightly, they agreed, and Jack set out to find his best friend a new girlfriend.

~~~~~~~~~~ The ℋustler ~~~~~~~~~~

So... prologue. What d'you guys think? Continue or trash?

Let me know!



P.S: If anyone thinks I should continue the story, what should The Hustler be like? And most importantly, what should her name be?

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