Chapter Four: The Blood-Soaked Beanie

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   "Ssooo, how do you know Jack?" Alex asked. We were sitting at the bar after the band had played, Alex with his tenth drink of the night sitting in front of him, and I with an aqueous martini (which is just a snotty code word for water in a martini glass). I needed to stay alert that night. 

   "We're friends through my boss," I replied. "He came in one day and I guess, just decided he liked me." 

    It was kind of the truth, I reminded myself. Just with a few details left out. 

   "That's fuckin' awesome," Alex slurred. "You know wu ah say?" 

   I decided to humor him. "No Alex, what do you say?" 

   "Aye sayy that we're all frienss. Strangers are jus' frienss that we donno yet. You and me, we're frienss. But you're a hot frennn, Airleeyuh." 

   I let out a small giggle. Alex was definitely the most charming drunk guy I'd ever met. Ever since he'd gotten offstage, he'd been slugging back hard liquor like it was water. Each time someone approached him, he became progressively more enamored with them.  

   As the night went on, he also became more and more of a dorky child, for lack of a better description. I managed not to kill him for several hours, all the way up until he asked me to take him to the bathroom. By that time, he'd had way more alcohol than I'd thought was possible without a severe bout of alcohol poisoning. I passed him off to Rian, who promised to take him to the bathroom. Cassadee, Rian's girlfriend, stayed with me, talking about the boys, and asking about how I knew Jack and Alex and stuff. She was actually really nice, not at all like I'd expected from a rock star's girlfriend. I found out she'd once been in a band of her own, but they were on a temporary hiatus, so she'd gone solo for a while instead.

   We were just discussing what kind of music she was doing and who inspired her, when Rian came back, dragging a giggling Alex behind him.

   "Sorry, Cass," Rian apologized. "I think we're going to have to cut tonight short... it's time for Mr. Gaskarth here to go home."

   Cassadee looked slightly upset, but nodded anyways, and kissed him on the cheek. "It's fine. I don't want Alex to get hurt or anything. I'll meet you back at your place?"

   "Rian." I burst out. He looked at me, surprised. "Why don't I take Alex home? That way, you and Cassadee can stay a little longer, plus, then there's still three quarters of All Time Low left, instead of only half."

   He considered my points for a moment, then smiled. "You'd do that?"

   "Sure, why not? I've dealt with worse than a drunk Alex."

   "Okay. I'll come out with you guys to make sure you get a taxi. He should have his keys, but if not, go around the back, and there's a key to the back door hidden in the planter on the side of the pool shed."

   "I think I can handle that. Bye Cassadee," I smiled. "It was nice meeting you."

   "You too. See you around, probably."

   Once Rian and I had Alex in the backseat of a taxi, Rian gave the taxi driver Alex's address, and we were off.

   The driver made meaningless small talk with me on the way home, occasionally attempting to pinpoint whether or not Alex was in fact my boyfriend, and exactly how drunk he was.

   I tossed a wad of cash at the driver, taking note of the amount so I could let Jack know what he needed to compensate for, and asked for him to wait while I made sure Alex got in okay. He agreed, and I slung Alex's arm around my shoulder so I could somewhat support him better. I half-led, half-carried the much taller man to his front door.

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