Chapter Twelve: The Serenade

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     “I swear to God, Alex, if you wear that shirt when we meet up in NYC, I’ll deny I know you!”
     He grinned and stuck his tongue out at me, waving the ugly tie-dye button down shirt in my face. “Why? I happen to like it. I think it’s pretty goddamn snazzy.”
     “Did you just use the word ‘snazzy’?” I giggled.
     “You better bet, missy!”
     “Missy? Snazzy? Are you warm?” Alex swatted my hand away when I tried to feel his forehead.
     “I’m not sick! I’m just... TOUR!!!” He started bouncing up and down like a five-year-old. “It’s TOUR SHIRT TIME!!!”
     I stifled another laugh as an annoyed-looking woman behind the counter at the obscure little store glared at us. “Alex, shut up! People are staring. And if you make Jersey Shore references at all, I will disown you as a friend forever.”
     He stopped bouncing immediately. “No, you wouldn’t, because you looooooveee me!”
     “Not that much!”
     “Yeah, you do. Delilah told me so.”
     “When did you talk to Delilah? And since when is a five-year-old an expert on my life?”
     Alex shrugged. “I talked to her when I called the apartment after I dropped you off Thursday morning after Halloween. By the way, I want my hoodie back. I never did get to ask her for it. Anyways, apparently, we’re getting married, but not until we’re sixteen.”
     “But we’re already-”
     He laughed. “I wasn’t going to argue. She was too into it to argue with.”
     “God, that’s so weird. I have to tell Luce to stop letting her answer the phone.”
     “What’s weird? Us getting married, or a five-year-old saying we’re going to get married.”
     I thought carefully. “Both. I mean, you’re awesome, but you don’t seem like the type of guy to get married. Plus, we’re just friends. And then, the fact that Delilah thinks I would marry a weirdo like you...” I trailed off.
     “Harsh.” He pouted. “Why must you hurt me in this way, ‘Lia? I thought you loved me!”
     By this point, we were in the middle of the mall, and Alex had fallen to his knees in front of me. I smiled and tried to apologize to the passing shoppers, who had all stopped their Saturday morning to watch the show.
     “Sorry,” I said to the general population. “He forgot to take his meds this morning. Come along, Alex. Let’s get you back to the asylum, before people think you’re crazy.”
     “But I am crazy,” Alex yelled, grabbing my hand. “Crazy in love with you!”
     The mall had essentially come to a standstill, with Alex and I at the centre of attention.
     “Alex! Cut it out!” I hissed, yanking my hand away.
     And that was when the singing started. Yes, Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low began serenading me in the middle of the mall. With people watching.
     But that wasn’t the worst part. He, of course, being Alex, picked the most random song he could possibly think of: Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee.

     “Alex shut up!”
     He shook his head and continued singing. “Oo-oh! And nobody knows it! Nobody kno-ows!”
     All around us, I could hear people throwing their two cents into the ring.
     “Aw! Clark, remember when you used to do things like that for me? That’s so sweet!”
     “Eww! Eighties music!”
     “Wow. What a bitch. Her boyfriend’s singing to her in the middle of the mall, and all she’s doing is standing there.”
     “Is that Alex Gaskarth?”
     “Hey, chica! Tell him you love him back!”
     “Yeah, come on! He’s singing to you in the middle of the mall!”
     Of course, Alex smirked his signature smirk at me and winked, knowing he was totally going to win that round. There was absolutely no way I was going to get out of there alive if I didn't say I loved him back. Bastard.

     "Gaskarth! Shut up, okay? I love you too."

     "Don't go breaking my heeaaaarrrrttt!" He finished triumphantly, getting to his feet.

     A faction of the people watching started clapping, but a good portion of them just continued to stare.

     "Kiss him!" Someone yelled.

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