Chapter Three: The Meet-Up

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"Look. I made you look awesome, and you still won't even tell me?" Lucy whined.

The identity of my mystery client, who Lucy had taken to calling 'Tuxedo Mask' after the character from Sailor Moon, had been almost the only topic of conversation she would bring up for the past two weeks. She was convinced it was someone from the Baltimore Ravens, and had spent a large majority questioning me about their linebacker, Ricky Brown, who she was convinced must have broken up with his girlfriend. Apparently, in Lucy's mind, it made perfect sense that the coach would then become worried when his playing sucked, and then would do whatever it took to bring his player back out of the proverbial emotional gutter.

"Nope," I grinned, touching my freshly styled hair. It definitely looked different after Lucy's hairstylist friend, Christian, had gotten ahold of it. I hoped it followed Jack's definition of 'fun', because it was going to take a lot of work to fix it if it wasn't.

"Screw you." Lucy whined. "And I want my All Time Low CD back!"

Ever since Jack had told me the name of their band, I'd been "borrowing" Lucy's copies of their albums and EP's, to gain some sort of familiarity with the music. To my surprise, I actually kind of liked them, especially their earlier work. Lucy still hadn't made the connection between my new taste in music and my new job, and I wasn't planning on telling her.

"Why? It's not like you need it," I replied, popping the top on the CD component of my sound system. The CD slowly stopped spinning, until I finally plucked it out and put it in its case.

"Actually, I kind of do. They're launching a new album tonight, and there's going to be this awesome party-"

"What?!" I almost yelled. A startled look on Lucy's face told me there was no way she hadn't noticed my reaction. A deep breath in calmed me down before I continued. "You're not going, right?"

She gave me an odd look, then looked down at her CD, a faint blush coloring in her fading tanned-cheeks. "Are you kidding?! You have to get invited to stuff like that. They released like, two hundred tickets to the public, and that's it. I'm just going to go stand outside with all the little fifteen year-old fangirls and hopefully get an autograph."

I felt really bad. Lucy, the girl who actually seemed to care for the band, had to stand outside in the cold, while I, the girl who barely knew them from a sack of potatoes, was being paid to be inside. As guilty as my conscience was, though, I knew I couldn't let it show. If I did, it would only complicate things for myself in the long run.

"That sucks. But hey, maybe that one with the brown-ish hair that you like will notice you in the crowd, and fall madly in love with you," I suggested, purposely not using Alex's name. She laughed. "Yeah, and maybe you'll finally tell me who Tuxedo Mask is."

I shrugged. "Maybe, one day."

"You should come with me," Lucy suggested. "It'll be more fun if you're there. At least it won't be all fifteen-year-olds."

"Can't, remember?" I grinned, tugging at my gray tank top. "Li-Li's gotta pay the bills."

Lucy laughed. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Tuxedo Mask date. But you better tell me who it is."

"You'll find out soon enough," I told her.

"Is it someone I know?" She asked suddenly. "Like, not personally, but like, have I heard about them?"

I paused briefly, wondering what brought on the question. It seemed entirely too perfect that she managed to flow from Alex to Tuxedo Mask. I brushed it off to the side, though; I was just being paranoid.

"I think you might have heard his name, once or twice," I answered casually. "But that's all I'm saying. No more hints."

"Fine," she sighed. "I have to get going, anyways. The thing starts in half an hour and I still have to get all my stuff on."

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