Chapter Eleven: The Story

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     "Hey, Batman!" I teased, when Alex opened his front door, bearing a bowl of candy. "Trick-Or-Treat."

     "For you? A trick!" He pulled me into a massive hug, then realized that Lucy and Delilah were right behind me. "Hello. I'm Bruce. Bruce Wayne."

     I almost burst out laughing at the change in pitch of his voice. He really was going over the top with the whole Batman thing. Lucy was charmed down to her toes, despite having no idea who the mysterious masked man truly was, and Delilah was quite fond of him as well, especially when he let her use his flashlight to shine a bat symbol on the sidewalk outside.

     He went up to almost every single house with her, and protected her when we went to the houses with super-long, dark, driveways that stretched way back from the main road.

     "This is really creepy," Lucy remarked. "I don't know if this is the best idea. What's the crime rate in... where are we again? This seems shady."

     "Towson," Alex replied. "We're in Towson, and trust me, my neighborhood is really safe. I know pretty much everyone, and they're all really great people. Besides, you have Batman on your side!"

     Lucy stopped dead in her tracks, and yanked me to a stop with her. "Towson?" She hissed. "You didn't tell me that Batman up there lived in Towson. Do you even realize who lives in Towson? All Time Low live in Towson, Air. That means Alex freaking Gaskarth lives in Towson. This house could be Alex Gaskarth's house!"

     "I highly doubt it," the masked Gaskarth himself chuckled. "Since Mrs. Childers, a ninety-five year old woman who forgets her own name half the time lives here. And by the way, Lucy, I've met that Alex kid before."

     "What?! What did you say? What did he say? When was this?"

     Alex laughed. "Relax. Trust me, you're wasting your time. That kid was such an asshole. Kind of cocky. And his hair was pretty shitty."

     "Take that back."

     "Why? It's the truth."

     "Are you serious?"


     By this point, Delilah was getting antsy about waiting around while the two of them were debating Alex, so she grabbed Lucy's wrist and started dragging her towards the house.

     As soon as she was out of earshot, Alex burst out laughing. "Did you see her face when I said that Alex was an asshole?"

     "You are Alex!" I reminded him. "You just called yourself an asshole!"

     "So?" He shrugged. "It was funny. Lighten up a bit, 'Lia! Why so serious?"

     I laughed at the Batman reference, but Alex seemed to sense that it was false.

     "Hey. What's wrong?" He pulled me gently into his chest for a warm hug. "Did I do something?"

     "No, it's nothing you did! I just feel kind of bad that Lucy freaked out like that."

     "It's fine, I don't mind. It was me who suggested you bring them."

     "Are you sure? Because I can tell Luce to quiet it down a bit."

     "It's fine! Now, we better get to Mrs. Childers's before Delilah steals all the candy! Come on!" He grabbed my wrist, and pulled me behind him towards the old-looking white house.

     "And Lilah, what do you say to Auntie Airie's friend?"

     She smiled adorably. "Fank you Miffter Batman!" Delilah smiled, her mouth full of M&M's.

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