Chapter Thirteen: The Ex

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     As I promised Chantelle, I flew into New York for November the eighth, two weeks before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I had to oversee the last minute construction and engineering of the three floats that were based off my designs. All three heavily relied on technology, and on parade day, I had to be around to supervise the techs who would be working the computers that controlled the tech, just to make sure everything ran exactly according to plan. It was, after all, one of the most popular televised events in the United States.

     On top of that, Alex kept texting and trying to Skype with me, which I felt terrible that I had to decline. But I reminded myself that he was a client, and I was on leave from that job for a full week, until they came to play New York. Jack also texted a couple of times, but that was just to give me updates on where they were the day that they came to New York. I'd promised to hang out with them before their concert, but with the way one of the interns kept screwing up the timing on a certain graphic, it looked like I was barely going to make it to the concert on time.

     Thankfully, mercifully, he finally got it right, and I left work almost an hour later than I'd thought I would. I took a taxi back to my hotel, quickly changed out of my 'business' clothes, and grabbed a Voss water out of the minibar and a packet of Crystal Light for sustenance. Of course, despite my hasty maneuvers, the taxi hit gridlock traffic en route to the venue, and the poor driver had to deal with a small string of curse words coming out of my mouth as I frantically dialed Jack's number.

     "'Lia? Where are you?"

     "I'm stuck in traffic. I don't think I'm going to make it on time."

     "Shit. Well, I guess you get here when you get here. I'll tell 'Lex."

     "You're a doll. Good luck!"

     He laughed. "You too."

     Five minutes later, I got a text from Alex himself. It was short, simple, and to-the-point, but it made me laugh anyways; Smile, don't kill anyone.

     I made it to the back door of the venue twenty minutes after the concert started. The guard let me through as soon as I flashed my ID and gave him my name, handing me a laminated backstage pass. It was a breeze, finding my way back- all I had to do was follow the sound of blaring music, until I spotted Zack. I waved shyly at him- Zack and I didn't really know each other that well yet, and he smiled and nodded back. He cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled out to someone in the opposite direction, and before I knew it, Alex, guitar slung behind his back, was running to hug me.

     "Hey, 'Lia!" He grinned, hugging me so tightly to him, I swore he was going to break my bones.

     "Hey, Alex. Ingested any steroids recently?"

     "What?" He laughed confusedly.

     "You're hugging me so tightly I'm beginning to worry for my safety."

     "Yeah, well... AGH!" He screamed, hugging me even more tightly for a second before he finally let go. "Sorry. I needed a hug."

     "Rough day?"

     "Yup. We'll talk about it after, because here comes Flyzik to kick my ass onstage. I guess the opener just finished. Bye, 'Lia!"

     And he was gone. It was incredible how he did that, I reflected. He could come, see you, make you laugh, and then leave, but it still felt like he'd been with you forever. Yet another redeeming quality in his favour, which would hopefully help Jack find an actual girlfriend for him.

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