11. Feature talks

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"Babe, what are you talking about imagine dating him! I mean I could do illegal stuff to him" I said with a smirk.

Me and Shawn, my boyfriend of six months, are currently on his bed looking through instagram. But I got pulled in a deep hole about pictures of hot, shirtless guys. (love when that happens lol) I mean it was funny seeing shawn getting jealous at me drooling over other guys.

Shawn raised his eyebrow at my reply. "So what? He only has abs" he replied

I looked at him and giggled cuddling closer to him, letting my head rest on his shoulder as he rests his back on the headboard.

"Oh yeah. What do you have huh?" I asked looking at him. Shawn laughed and pulled of his tank top leaving him shirtless. He looked at me and relaxed his biceps and showing off his abs.

"Oh yeah can he beat me?" Shawn asked, wrapping an arm around me pulling me close.

"Ehh.. fine you win" he gave me a quick kiss "only because you look like his twin"

"I feel very offended" I giggled and gave him another kiss.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence. I looked over at shawn and thought does Shawn really love me? Is our relationship gonna last forever?

"What's on your mind beautiful" he asked with a smile and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"Shawn do you really love me?" I said with out thinking. "I-I didn't m-mean to say that-t" I shuttered at the thought of this conversation going in a wrong place.

"Omg babe, of course I love you! I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, have kids with you and grow old with you"the words that Shawn just spoke brought happiness in me.

"I'm sorry for asking... you know I over think a lot" I said pulling him in a hug. He hugged me back and kissed my shoulder. Pulling away after a few seconds.

"It's okay y/n. When ever you are unsure of our relationship you know you can come to me" I nodded and kissed his pink, plump lips.

When we pulled away I looked at him and gave him a look. "Kids huh? How many exactly?"

"I was thinking four" he replied with a smirk.

"Woah hold your feature there. I'm not having four kids. I don't think I'm planning on having one"

"Babeee" Shawn whined "just imagine having a house in the country side you and me drinking coffee in the evening as our two kids run around in the grass playing together and reading them bed time stories and singing them asleep. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Has he really planned out his feature with me?

"Shawn baby, have you planned out everything? Two kids? A house in the county side? What's next you tell the names of our kids?"

"Yes the names! so for a girl I was thinking skylark and for the boy Jacob and having the boy first so he could look after the girl and protect her"

"Awe Shawn's that's so sweet. But fine I can agree on two kids but I will never live in the country side. I'm a city girl and I will stay a city girl" I said and Shawn pulled me closer to him.

"Fine but you will stay my girl forever"

My girl.

I'm his girl forever...

I truly apologise for this crappy imagine. I promise they get better...

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