Chapter 14: Custody

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Rey nearly stumbled as she backed away with a hand over her heart, skin crawling from the force signature of the apparition standing presently on the ship.

"Master Skywalker" she breathed in disbelief.

An unseen breeze moved tangles of luminescent hair on the shoulders of Luke's robes; his penetrating gaze bore through Rey, and he slipped a knowing smile overflowing with secrets.

Alwick cowered in his presence, but Vurdan swept an arm out, not allowing him to retreat out of the ship.

In a whirl of sudden movement, Tyrus barreled in and brought his ignited lightsaber down on the ghosts' head; it passed right through, throwing him off balance and he careened shoulder first into a wall panel.

Luke looked on with pity as Tyrus righted himself, leaning his full weight against the wall as he worked to catch his breath.

"It would be wise to save your energy, old friend."

The corner of Tyrus' mouth curled downward in contempt, the first glimmer of real emotion Rey had seen since meeting him. Disengaging the lightsaber abruptly, he shook his shoulder out and crossed his arms.

"Rey," Luke turned to address her, "this is your fight now."

She moved to approach him, mouth hanging ajar; there were so many questions she wanted to ask regarding the Jedi texts she'd poured through in the past months. Too many times in her loneliness did she long to have a mentor again, someone with knowledge of the force.

"I...I have so many questions-" she started to say as she neared him.

"There isn't much time, Rey." His hand raised near his shoulder.

"But you're here!" she begged.

Luke's eyes grew soft with compassion. "I'm not here, but i'm not really gone either. We've come to warn you, and encourage you."

Rey halted at the mention of 'we'. An icy sensation travelled up her spine in response to more blue aura's appearing around them. They became clearer as seconds passed; other beings in robes stood around Luke.

There were some gasps and sounds of shock from the Knights, save Tyrus.

One of the apparitions stepped out from the group, a tall man with shoulder length brown hair, and a scar on his face disturbingly similar to Kylo's.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker, Leia's father." He introduced himself solemnly. "I'm here to tell you that the dark side knows many lies. It uses our fears to its advantage, and corrupts our good intentions, ultimately taking what we love."

Rey's eyes widened at the force ghosts' confession.

The grandfather of Ben Solo.

"What awaits you on the Finalizer will determine your fate."

Frustration afflicted her as she received his prophetic statement. "How am I supposed to even know what that means?".

The force apparitions looked on with somber expressions, but not one answered her question.

In a fit of impatience, she continued to rant. "Why must everything be so vague! Teachings, incantations of peace, encouragement, prophecy...everything in the texts was seemingly subjective at times, and when that's all that is left behind, how are the Jedi supposed to defeat the Sith?"

She looked over her shoulder at the Knights as she completed her sentence. Alwick's expression was one of wonder. "Sorry" she quickly added.

Vurdan almost smiled. "No apology needed when one speaks from passion."

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