Chapter 19- Fear

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Chapter 19

Date: May 1st

Location: Hotel Miramar, Utah

Time: 4:12 a.m.

I opened my eyes to a frighteningly familiar sight; I was back in the holding cell that Michael had locked all of us up in. It looked like my room but I still could see the differences.

Why was I in here?

“Because you failed.” An electronic voice answered my unspoken question and I hoped out of the bed and scanned the small room as if expecting them to be in there. But as usual I was alone.

“Show yourself!” I said confidently and was happy that my voice didn’t waiver in the slightest. In response the person just laughed.

“Why don’t you find me?” The door slid open and the familiar white hospital hallways entered my vision.

I exited the room expecting to see the guards that stood by my door or guards just in anywhere general, but it was empty. I shivered in fear at walking through the dead silent hallways; this was always where something bad happened.

“What’s wrong?” The electronic voice mocked. “Feeling scared?”

“Where are you?”

“Oh come on, Aura,” The voice dragged out. “I thought you would at least put a little more effort into finding me after all you’ve been through. After three years I would have expected something a little more entertaining than this.”

I ground my teeth together in hopes to hold back my retort and picked up my pace going to the one place that I knew by heart.

The electronic voice didn’t say another word even when I reached the dining room. I remembered first going in there and seeing all of my friends again, and meeting Maria. It’s where things kind of got back to normal.

“This is where it all fell apart isn’t it?” The voice mocked. “This is when you let that traitor into your group.” They hissed. “This is where you truly let me in.”

“Who are you?!” I screamed holding back tears of frustration.

“Aura,” A soft voice murmured and I turned towards a figure standing in the corner and tensed. “Run.”

“Who are you?” I repeated the question, but this time it was to a different person.

“Run, please, before it’s too late.” John steps out of the shadows in a Lockstar uniform covered in chains. His face looks gaunt and sickly. “Please, run.”

Before I could ask him another question or why he was here a black bag was thrown over my head and I was plunged into darkness.

I awoke barely being able to breathe and clawed at my face still feeling the scratchy material being pressed against me. Only when I was sure that nothing was there did I relax slightly.

My clock barely reached 4:30 a.m. but I knew that there was no way that I could go back to sleep. I got out of bed feeling cold from the light sheen of sweat that had covered my skin and shivered. I was so close to finding out what Levi’s weak point was but thoughts on M.L.A wouldn’t stop.

Was there even a point to finding out who they were now? Were they helping Levi? Were they Levi? My subconscious seems to already know who they are but refuses to give me a straight answer and it bothered me.

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